UNI Europa ICTS conference, Rome, November
2 Example: Global Agreement with Telenor Action: In January 2013, Telenor signed a Global Framework Agreement with UNI global union Goal: Establish a platform for dialogue between UNI and Telenor on fundamental labour rights Results: Global Agreement promoted trusting relationships between employees, their representatives and the companies within the Telenor Group Established mutual cooperation and satisfying working conditions The two parties will meet at least once a year, and have committed themselves to maintaining an ongoing dialogue. The first meeting took place in Nyon in June 2013 This agreement is helping workers in Bangladesh, Malaysia and Thailand to form unions
UNI Europa ICTS conference, Rome, November Example: HP Alliance Action: Establishment of the HP European Alliance in Berlin in October 2012, together with IndustriALL Europe Goal: share information and coordinate the unions’ response to Hewlett Packard’s decision in May 2012 to cut over 8,000 staff in Europe Results: More than a dozen European affiliates took part in the launch of the Alliance, which initially focused on supporting the HP European Works Council The members of the Alliance have been in regular contact Among the first activities were a letter from the Alliance to HP management, a letter to Members of the European Parliament and the EU Commission, and an open letter from HP employees to HP CEO Meg Whitman
UNI Europa ICTS conference, Rome, November Example: Successful training and support for key EWCs Action: Strengthening of EWC in key multinationals Goal: Promote well functioning and well unionized EWCs as a platform to anticipate and deal with changes in companies together Results: Successful training sessions for ICTS EWC coordinators in 2010, 2011 and 2012 in cooperation with LBC-NVK From , about 60 participants received training on EWC issues. Companies represented were IBM, Cisco, Atos, HP, Telenor, Logica, CDS, Perkin Elmer, Kodak, Tieto. Active support for the trade unions represented in the DT EWC by participating in two projects organised by ver.di - in Hungary in 2009 and in Croatia in 2012
UNI Europa ICTS conference, Rome, November Example: Green ICT and green jobs Action: A successful ‘Green ICT Jobs’ conference in Helsingør in 2009, followed by a seminar and dinner debate in 2010 Goal: Raise awareness about the potential of green jobs, the need for new skills, sustainability strategies and the idea of a new green deal Results: Successful organisation of ICT Forum “Strengthening green ICT: Stimulating investment, creating jobs” held in Helsingør, Denmark, in October delegates from 17 European countries discussed the role played by the ICT sector in climate change and what opportunities there were to take counter-measures against future challenges ICT Forum was followed by a seminar in Portugal in February 2010; a meeting with DG Infosoc where the project results and UNI Europa ICTS action plan on Green ICT were presented and participation in the ETUI conference on low carbon economy in March 2010 In June 2010, UNI Europa ICTS organized a dinner debate on the social dimension of Green ICT in the European Parliament (hosted by MEPs Britta Thomsen and Catherine Trautmann) attended by representatives of affiliate organisations and the ICT industry
UNI Europa ICTS conference, Rome, November Example: Good Work Good Health Project Action: Successful organisation of the joint UNI Europa – ETNO project “Good Work Good Health: Improving the mental wellbeing of workers within the Telecommunications sector” Goal: Collect and disseminate good practices to prevent stress and mental health problems of workers in the telecom industry Results: Scientific review and visit of selected European telecom companies Presentation of research results at a high-level conference in Brussels in October 2010 with over 120 representatives from across the telecom industry Publication of the Good Work Good Health practice guidelines in several languages In 2011, ETNO and UNI Europa ICTS finalized the project with an impact assessment that was carried out through a survey among affiliates involved in the project UNI Europa ICTS and ETNO signed a joint declaration on good practice guidelines in 2011