Manifesto IF you remember anything, remember it here and now 1.There are people dying because they are to poor to live! 2. Poverty is a violation of Fundamental Rights! 3. Poverty is a threat to life and to the well being of every community!
Manifesto 4. Poverty is not inevitable! 5. Poverty is not a game ! We can’t play games (lies) with human beings! 6. Poverty is not a problem simply regarding others! 7. With Poverty there is no Democracy! 8. With Poverty there is no Human Dignity!
Manifesto The Points are not the Point !
Manifesto BOO! BOO! Hiss! We need an Audience with attitude! Make Poverty Illegal it’s Your Thing! Do what you want… but do something to fight poverty! SPEAK UP!
Manifesto Do YOU have the Itch? …Bring the Bells, Whistles… …and Think BIG!
Manifesto SAY no to POVERTY !!! Let us scream all together…
Manifesto We just want your effective commitment to the real protection of universal values. Dignity and social justice for All People is just what we are looking for… STOP! Enough of promises…without consequences!
Some findings About 1.75 billion people in 104 countries live in multidimensional poverty (health, education and standard of living), with $1.25 a day or less! Circa people die from hunger each day! Over a billion people go hungry each day! Malaria kills about people every year but it also sickens hundreds of millions! From a sixth to a third of people in the world lacks reliable access to safe, clean drinking water!
Some findings: A Single Stinger Missile costs $ This could provide 'Any One' with the following resources: Meals to starving people Adult Cataract Surgery, restoring sight to the blind Mosquito Nets. Two million people die every year from malaria, mainly children under five Child Immunization, against diphtheria, whooping cough, measles, polio, tetanus and tuberculosis Fruit trees - a giant boost to the diet and health of poor families.
Remember If you have never experienced the danger of battle, the loneliness of imprisonment, the agony of torture, or the pangs of starvation... you are ahead of 500 million people in the world. If you have food in the refrigerator, clothes in your wardrobe, a roof over your head and a place to sleep... you are richer than 75% people of this world. If you have money in the bank, in your wallet, and some spare change in a dish somewhere... you are among the top 8% of the world's wealthy.
Manifesto It’s up to you to me! It’s in our hands! The eradication of poverty is a moral and ethical imperative!
Campaign starting from October 17 th Public presentation of a common Manifesto - Creation of a common logo through a world contest put forward to social designers ( earth); - Creation of a national logo through a national contest; - The making of justice - debate on the importance of law in the eradication of Poverty; - Public commitment: to defend and work for the solemn declaration: Poverty is Illegal; in every country, with the mobilization also of public figures, such as musicians and artists in general.
On October 17 th Publication of texts on Poverty is Illegal in our papers and magazines - Publication of a jointly work on Poverty is Illegal (one country, one text) - Public presentation of that book in every adherent country to the campaign - Production of an anti-poverty song that could work and function positively as a common hymn to the campaign; - Meeting with political parties - Local road shows…
On October 17 th Live Poverty is Illegal, with a mixture of live music, video clips and testimonies, broadcasting from several stages, in different countries - Online petition Poverty is Illegal; - Driving Parliaments worldwide to declare solemnly Poverty is Illegal
Manifesto Get involved with our movement… 1.Taking your time and energy… 2.Tallying your Talents and Resources… 3.Anticipating the obstacles ahead… 4.Being Seen & Heard… 5.Sharing our vision… MAKE POVERTY ILLEGAL as our ancestors did with SLAVERY!
Are you as crazy as the Rest of Us? Help us to make the world a better place to all people! “Like slavery and apartheid, poverty is not natural. It is man-made and it can be overcome and eradicated by the actions of human beings.” Nelson Mandela