E-Learning Strategic Plan
E-Learning Vision: e-Learning expands opportunities for learners to do well at school and to be ICT capable for the future Mission: To ensure that technology is harnessed to transform teaching and learning in Gauteng schools 1. IMPROVE teaching and learning through the use of ICTs 2. DEVELOP management and leadership at schools to support ICT integration 3. MOVE ICT into the classroom Purpose: Ensuring that ICT based curriculum and administrative tools are available, that educators have the appropriate ICT skills and that the e- Learning Directorate is able to monitor and report on these items Purpose: Ensuring that technology introduced by GoL and other initiatives is effectively utilised for teaching and learning and that learners become ICT literate and capable Purpose: Ensuring that schools are equipped to manage ICT integration into curriculum delivery and school administration 4. PROVIDE management and support for e-Learning at Provincial and District level Purpose: Ensuring co-ordination and management of e-Learning initiatives at Provincial and District level
E-Learning Vision: e-Learning expands opportunities for learners to do well at school and to be ICT capable for the future Mission: To ensure that technology is harnessed to transform teaching and learning in Gauteng schools 1. IMPROVE teaching and learning through the use of ICTs 2. DEVELOP management and leadership at schools to support ICT integration 3. MOVE ICT into the classroom Purpose: Ensuring that ICT based curriculum and administrative tools are available, that educators have the appropriate ICT skills and that the e-Learning Directorate is able to monitor and report on these items Purpose: Ensuring that technology introduced by GoL and other initiatives is effectively utilised for teaching and learning and that learners become ICT literate and capable Purpose: Ensuring that schools are equipped to manage ICT integration into curriculum delivery and school administration 4. PROVIDE management and support for e-Learning at Provincial and District level Purpose: Ensuring co-ordination and management of e-Learning initiatives at Provincial and District level 1.1Guide the development of digitized curriculum material 1.2Identify relevant ICT-based educational software and hardware 1.3Monitor availability and delivery of on–the-job training for newly introduced technologies 1.4Monitor availability and delivery of ICT components of continuous professional teacher development 1.5Monitor roll out of Laptops for Teachers Initiative, and usage of associated software for training, admin and teaching 2.1Monitor the delivery and the effectiveness of ICT capacity building programmes for SMT’s and SGB’s 2.2Facilitate, monitor and evaluate the writing and implementation of ICT policies in schools. 2.3Facilitate, monitor and evaluate the writing and implementation of development plans for schools to progressively improve their ICT maturity levels 3.1Establish status of e-maturity in all schools 3.2Monitor and facilitate the delivery of Gauteng-on-Line targets for infrastructure, software and training for schools 3.3Conduct project s to measure the impact of ICT on learner attainment and to establish best practice 3.4Give attention to initiatives that focus on making learners ICT capable 4.1Monitor and integrate e-Learning initiatives at National, Provincial & District level 4.2Ensure professional and ICT skills development for e-Learning officials at Provincial and District levels 4.3Manage co-ordinating structures at Provincial, District and Cluster levels 4.4Market and promote e-Learning and ICT integration
GDE Vision: Ensuring every learner does well at school and leaves our institutions with the knowledge, skills and qualifications that will give them the best chance of success in adult life. Mission: To ensure quality learning and teaching take place in the classroom every day 1. Ensuring that Gauteng has effective schools and learning institutions 2. GDE head office and districts providing relevant, co-ordinated and effective support 3. Enabling young people to make the transition from school to further education and or work that provides further training opportunities 4. Strengthening partnerships with all stakeholders, resulting in education becoming a societal priority. Strategy 1.1: Strengthening school management and institutional capacity to ensure all teachers (are) in school, in class, on time, teaching with the required textbooks. Strategy 1.5: To promote the recruitment of quality teachers and to strengthen teacher development Strategy 2.9: A more effective approach to the use of ICT in schools must be developed with Gauteng-on-Line moving into the classroom and the provision of a laptop with 3G Facilities to each teacher Strategy 2.10: School safety: Schools require..support on strategies..to deal with safety related issues. These range from discipline, drugs, weapons, bullying to first aid and traffic management. Strategy 2.11: Ensure effective strategies for provisioning and procurement for services to schools and timeous allocation and appropriate usage of school subsidies and allocations. Strategy 3.13: To fully implement the Pipeline talent search in secondary schools: The key thrust..is to increase private sector involvement with schools to support learners to realize their career paths by industry appropriate workplace experience. We would also like to see greater access for teachers to understand the demands of the workplace and how the learning content is applied in the workplace. Strategy 4.16: Ensure the involvement of parents in exercising oversight in schools in a manner that adds value to the attainment of the core outcomes Strategy 4.18: To mobilize young people to develop positive attitudes to learning and to take active responsibility for their own learning outcomes and behaviour. Relevance of GDE strategy for E-Learning Directorate
Moving from current reality to vision Current reality DEVELOP management and leadership at schools to support ICT integrat PROVIDE management and leadership i at Provincial and District level MOVE ICT into the classroom Vision What the organisation stands for and what it hopes to achieve in the future Strategic Objectives: The few (2 to 8) key factors that will ensure that the Vision is achieved. This describes “What” must be done to reach the vision Strategies: A strategy describes “How” the strategic objectives will be achieved. Each one is broken down into a number of activities in the form of an action plan. IMPROVE teaching and learning through the use of ICTs
Our product is ………………... We make the customer shine by …………………….. What sets us apart is ……………….. “I am really involved in ………….. “ “I work with a team of ……………. “ “My specific role is …………..” Defining the role of the e-Learning Directorate Overall purpose? What is our actual business? Products and services Technologies we utilise Philosophies business customer Our actual customers Our critical success factors
The world of work WHAT we achieve The world of leadership HOW we achieve High attention to work Low attention to the people and leadership element in getting the work done Low attention to work Low attention to the people and leadership element in getting the work done Low attention to work High attention to the people and leadership element in getting the work done High attention to work High attention to the people and leadership element in getting the work done High LowHigh Balance in setting strategy