Creating an environment for use of Digital learning resources in the ICT-SME project Presented by Esther Mwiyeria GESCI 14 th – 18 th November 2011
Background Identify content development team (drawn from schools and colleges) Identify and evaluate existing appropriate e-resources Procurement of appropriate e-resources Development of an e-resources evaluation framework Capacity building in the evaluation of e-resources Evaluation of e-resources
Timeframes..\Project Inception July 2011\July visit to Tanzania\Project Gantt chart_Revised August 2011.xls
Understanding Digital content Evaluation Digital content is evaluated at two levels: The learning object is a quality learning tool in itself. The instruction within which the object has been embedded will determine the effectiveness of the use of the object
Structure of the Project ICT infrastructure Teacher Professional Development Digital Content Resources The role of the Digital Content Resources is very critical and is at the heart of the project
The context within which DLR will be used Overall plan: – Basic training: The equipment present at the colleges would be used to for the basic training programmes. The software must be updated and completed according to what is installed in the portable devices. – For teacher use at school, Teacher practicing at home, and Teacher class preparation: Total of 5 laptops planned to be provided to each school for the use in Form 1 subject teachers (Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Maths and English). In the event of ICT equipment availability beyond this proposed intervention, the devices could be used for other subjects in Form 1 as well as SME in From 2 and above. – For Integration of ICTs into teaching of SME: 2 LCD projectors with external speakers shall be provided to each pilot school. The school equip 2 classrooms with appropriate electrical sockets and curtains. – For teacher communication, Teacher collaboration, Teacher class preparation and Teacher training including e-content download and preparation: Each subject teachers shall be provided with USB modem with pre-defined airtime and the internet access time is exclusively provided for the SME programme
Task on the Env. of using DLR In groups of 5, can we look at the proposed context within which the Digital learning resource will be used and evaluate its: – Relevance – Clarity – Coverage