Case for INDIGO Indian Interferometric Gravitational wave Observatory Tarun Souradeep (IUCAA) Sanjit Mitra (JPL-Caltech) Anand Sengupta (LIGO-Caltech) Rana Adhikari (LIGO-Caltech)
INDIGO: the concept An opportunity to replicate the current LIGO in India. Based on a successful bid to acquire the LIGO hardware that is replaced for advanced LIGO. Minimal goal : a working `LIGO’ in seven years. Provide a common umbrella to redirect and expand GW related research towards,and around, experimentation.
Why is it a good idea? Have a 20 year legacy and wide recognition in the Intl. GW community. (Would not make it to the GWIC report, otherwise!) Jump start GW experimentation – going beyond analysis methodology & theoretical prediction. For once, may be perfect time to a launch an experimental field well before it has obviously blossomed. E.g., unlike CMB – difficult now to be a significant player ‘Technology transfer’ in contrast to `R&D’ (e.g., Indian automobile industry) to build something that is known to work. Provides an exciting challenge at an International forefront of experimental science. Can tap and siphon in the extremely good UG students available in India. (Sole cause of `brain drain’). Smart,small scale, individual experimental gravitation/GW plans have a much better prospect to thrive under the INDIGO umbrella. (Easier to conceive and implement in light of a major initiative)
What is required? principles Unmitigated (even a tad reckless) backing of the Indian GW community leaders. – will drive the incoming youngsters to fully realize their potential. They must feel, and be told, that this is what you want. Practically, there is no other pressure – just recognition from peers) – Higher visibility to GW leading to hiring in Indian Institutes. Cannot expect institutes & bigwigs to promote hiring in an unambitious field. – Need to get other specialized institutions (e.g., CAT) interested – Solidify the support from the Intl. community. At least a ‘free hand’ for a year to allow full, uninihibited exploration. A show of hands from the incoming generation given above. (Looks promising to me.)
What is required? practical Take seriously the possibility of an MoU with LIGO – Even if initially just for preparing the community for the LIGO bid. – Initiate exchange visits for exposure and training of Indian experimentalists. LIGO postdoc/staff long term visit for INDIGO work. – Indo-US proposal (IUSTTF) Follow up on support & help from other groups – Bruce Allen : regarding supplying lasers (Sanjeev) – David Blair : AIGO support on many front– suspension, polishing Initiate training with INDIGO specific projects – Pool well defined projects that can supervised by any of us. – Channel promising students to Intl labs (LIGO, AIGO, VIRGO) Major International program on GW in 2010 – ICTS program (can have 4-6 weeks school/workshop) Invite GW proponents & luminaries, e.g., Kip Thorne – Increase visibility of GW and also project IndIGO, GWIC recommendation (…Cont’d)
What is required? practical Propose and build a prototype soon. – Capability demonstrator for TT as first phase. Use for 3 rd gen R&D. – Few institute initiative (in particular, TIFR & RRI) – Involve top level UG students heavily. (very possible). Science goals of initial INDIGO – Harness our strengths and focus single mindedly on the INDIGO context. (Such papers would also get recognized as much as work done for existing /upcoming facilities) – Significant efforts underway (Sanjit’ talk) – Should not expect `fantastic’ but ‘reasonable’ goals. First step toward establishing credible & visible Indian GW community with theoretical, analysis as well experimental facets.
INDIGO: an umbrella (Indian Integrated GW Objectives) Important to accommodate all aspirations. Investment of time and effort in getting INDIGO off the ground provides a solid platform for other allied `pet’ developments – Novel Data Analysis – Refining theoretical predictions – Smaller scale GW or Gravitation experiments – Cross talk with related GW efforts – e.g. CMB B-mode polarization, SKA- Pulsar timing limits, GRB signals, BH mergers & structure formation….. – Bernard Schutz GWIC summary Participation in LISA through ISRO – Much more credible in light of INDIGO developments within an unified community …..
INDIGO: Indian National Dhurandhar-Iyer GW Observatory