The passengers‘ perspective in transport: what are the real needs of persons with disabilities? Marie Denninghaus, 10 September 2015
EU umbrella organisation representing persons with disabilities Interest representation: secretariat in Brussels More than 100 members (National disability organisations, European NGOs) Main topics: Human rights, social policies, accessibility (transport, built environment, ICTs) “Nothing about us without us” EDF – WHO ARE WE? …………………………………………………………………………………………….. The passengers‘ perspective in transport: what are the real needs of persons with disabilities? Marie Denninghaus, 10 September 2015
EDF represents passengers with disabilities in EU policies Member of different working groups on different transport modes (air, rail, road, sea) Cooperation with EU institutions and transport industry Experts both on EU policies as well as technical standards Based on UN CRPD principles: access to transport is a right, not a luxury! EDF – WHO ARE WE? …………………………………………………………………………………………….. The passengers‘ perspective in transport: what are the real needs of persons with disabilities? Marie Denninghaus, 10 September 2015
Transport links to many other areas of life: e.g. employment, education, shopping, hobbies, participating in society as an active citizen! Persons with disabilities should have access “on an equal basis with others” Persons with disabilities are also customers Accessible transport is more comfortable for everyone WHY IS TRANSPORT ACCESSIBILITY IMPORTANT? …………………………………………………………………………………………….. The passengers‘ perspective in transport: what are the real needs of persons with disabilities? Marie Denninghaus, 10 September 2015
Lack of accessibility (infrastructure, vehicles, information) Lack of information (booking assistance, available services, etc.) Lack of awareness and training (staff, general public) THE CURRENT SITUATION …………………………………………………………………………………………….. The passengers‘ perspective in transport: what are the real needs of persons with disabilities? Marie Denninghaus, 10 September 2015
Seamless, multi-modal, accessible travel chain from door to door Easy, accessible booking and through ticketing Raised level of awareness and rights (UN Convention) Use of “Universal Design” principles Equal access and reasonable accommodation – no separate solutions WHAT NEEDS TO BE ACHIEVED ………………………………………………………………………………………….. The passengers‘ perspective in transport: what are the real needs of persons with disabilities? Marie Denninghaus, 10 September 2015
EU Accessibility Act and supporting legislation More systematic involvement of persons with disabilities via the representative organisations Use of “Universal Design” principles Harmonised EU standards Accessibility as part of the wider urban environment HOW THIS CAN BE DONE ………………………………………………………………………………………….. The passengers‘ perspective in transport: what are the real needs of persons with disabilities? Marie Denninghaus, 10 September 2015
Thank you! Marie Denninghaus Mobility & Transport Officer tel | fax