Digital Natives/Digital Immigrants Millennials, Net Generation; Sophisticated knowledge and skills with ICTs; Current educational system not prepared for the DN; The “locus of knowledge” moved from the teacher to the Internet; (Prensky, 2012) Motivations for learning Lifelong learning Digital Immigrants
3 Digital Native Generations GenerationYear Frist GenerationBorn after the 1980s Second GenerationBorn in 1990 of after Third generationBorn in 2000 or after (Wang, 2014)
Digital Natives Characteristics Craving for speed and inability to tolerate slow-paced environment; Desire or perceived need to multitask; Preference for pictures rather than text; Tendency to process information in nonlinear ways; Preference for collaboration and constant connectivity; Preference for learning through activity rather than reading or listening; Mixing of work and play; Expectation for immediate feedback and “payoff” for their efforts as found in games; Preference for fantasy contexts as found in games and realistic TV and movies; Expectation that technology is part of the landscape; difficulty with environment that lack technology.
Are Digital Natives a Reality? Little basis to conclude that these differences are causing widespread and profound disengagement in learning; (Bennet et al., 2008) Moral Panic; Socioeconomic status influence on technology use; (Hargiatti, 2010) Low self-efficacy. Low perception. Internet as disempowering in respect to school learning; (Ben-David Kolikant, 2010) Margaryan et al. (2011): students favored more “conventional, passive and linear forms of learning and teaching”;
Japan and the Digital Natives The term Digital Natives was first introduced in 2008; Deconstructing Digital Natives: young people, technology, and the new literacies (2011) Takahashi’s view of the DN: Utopian view: DN are the Hope for the future, effectively saving society through technology. Dystopian view: Fear – DN are a discontinuity of generations and can no longer be fully understood or controlled. Cyber-natives; Neo-natives; keitai [mobile]-natives
Keitai-natives 98,5% of High School students have access to a device with Internet Strong mobile culture
Questions Do Digital Natives really exist? Do we need to change education based on the idea of Digital Natives? What about countries where technology is not so widespread? Thank you for listening!