Alan Dorsinville, Reading High School Natalie Gibbs, Reading High School
Introduction The Problem and our solution Background Information The purpose of μPAD’s Materials Procedure Science Concepts Results Team F(Floral Experiment) Conclusion/Discussion Further Research Acknowledgements
The cost of health care is an issue in America Testing requires Time Money Insurance Technical Experience Etc All of which is inconvenient Developing Countries
Micro fluidic paper-based assay devices (μPAD) A paper diagnostic test Paper-based devices are Inexpensive Quick Easy to use Require a small volume of liquid Lack the use of advanced equipment Effective and accurate
Your body has many substances including proteins and glucose Glucose provides energy for your body an all of your movements Glucose ConcentrationDisease 0-0.8mMNormal Above 0.8mMImpaired kidney and/or diabetes
Proteins are important for growth, tissue repair, and many other bodily functions
Our purpose is to show we can quantify diagnostic results using a cheap paper device Our chips are designed to detect glucose and protein in our substances
Intermolecular forces Capillary action Allows us to direct small amounts of liquid to testing wells
CleWin Chromatography paper( Whatman) Printer Scales, beakers, pipettes Various chemicals Infrared Gun Hot Plate Scanner Adobe Photoshop
Part One: Planning CleWin is a computer program made to design our chips
Step 1: Printing The pattern is outlined with wax when printed Step 2: Place the chips on a hot plate at 150°C Allows wax to seep through
This project requires making both a protein and glucose reagent A chemical reagent is a substance used in a chemical reaction to detect, measure, examine, or produce other substances
Buffer (pH=6.0) 0.2 M NaH2PO4 0.2 M Na2HPO4 0.3 M Trehalose 0.6 M KI 30 units/mL HRP 120 units/mL GO
Glucose + Glucose oxidase Gluconic acid + Hydrogen peroxide (H 2 O 2 ) H 2 O 2 H 2 O + ½ O 2 I - ½ I 2 HR Peroxidase Brown color
Part 1: 0.25 M Citric acid (pH 1.8 buffer) 184 μL H2O, 16 μL EtOH Part 2: 9 mM TBPB 10 μL H2O, 190 μL EtOH Protein Mechanism TBPB + protein = Blue color
Apply 0.2 μL of reagents using a micropipette. Must wait ten minutes Part Five: Test One
We made a new design for our second chip on CleWin, printed them, and reapplied the chemical reagents, etc.
The chips are a urine analysis test so we made an artificial urine sample We made several concentrations glucose and proteins to test
We performed eight tests for each of the eleven different concentrations of glucose and protein After 30 minutes, the chips were scanned into the computer
Team F’s research is focused on the relationship between pollinators and nectar
We made adjustments to our second chip to create a more effective test We were not able to quantify, but still proved the chips had the potential to quantify different detectable substances We were able to rank the glucose concentration of Team F’s nectar solutions
The μPAD’s serve the same purpose as other urine tests Scientists are trying to find ways of detecting more diseases with the paper-based analytical device
We would like to thank: Dr. Scott Phillips SeeCos Faculty Chris Daly Ms. Jody Markley Mr. Derek James Ms. Jean Marie Donnelly UBMS Staff