DESIRED RESULTS CONTENT STANDARDS: In Spanish students will be able to… write and present a short narrative about themselves. understand familiar topics that have strong visual support. understand written materials on familiar topics with strong visual support. understand the concept of culture as they compare other cultures to their own.
DESIRED RESULTS UNDERSTANDINGS: Students will understand that… inside the United States, Spanish is the most widely spoken language after English. Spanish is now the third most-used language in the Internet. people who speak both Spanish and English can communicate with people from all around the globe, no matter where they find themselves. learning language is more than just memorizing words and structures.
DESIRED RESULTS ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS: What is Vocabulary? What is Grammar? What exactly is Culture? How can I learn about another culture? How do I study Vocabulary? Why should I study Grammar?
DESIRED RESULTS Students will know... greetings. introductions. the Spanish alphabet. saying where they are from. numbers from 1 to 10. days of the week. the weather classroom phrases.
DESIRED RESULTS Students will be able to... greet people and say goodbye. introduce themselves and others. ask and say how to spell names. say where they are from. exchange phone numbers. say what day of the week it is. describe the weather respond to classroom instructions.
ASSESSMENT EVIDENCE LISTENING COMPREHENSION: I can listen… when some students spell their names and write out the names as I hear them spelled. to messages on an answering machine and write (in numeral form) the phone number of each person who called.
ASSESSMENT EVIDENCE VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR: I know how to… write a sentence for a picture saying where a student is from. complete a dialogue using question words were new students are introducing themselves. answer questions related to weather. describe the weather in a picture. write appropriate expressions for greeting people and saying goodbye in Spanish. use a formal or informal question to ask each person how he or she is. write what my Spanish teacher wants me to do when she says something in Spanish.
ASSESSMENT EVIDENCE READING I can read a conversation is Spanish and answer questions related to it.
ASSESSMENT EVIDENCE SPEAKING PROFICIENCY: Introduce myself to my teacher and say... my name where I am from what the weather is like in my city my phone number
ASSESSMENT EVIDENCE WRITING PROFICIENCY: I can write a note and… include an appropriate greeting introduce yourself ask how a person is doing tell where I am from give my phone number
ASSESSMENT EVIDENCE KEY CRITERIA: I will know students reach understanding, based on the following criteria for each of the areas assessed (listening, reading, writing, speaking) 4 Advanced 3 Proficient 2 Basic 1 Minimal 0 No evidence
ASSESSMENT EVIDENCE KEY CRITERIA: 4 Advanced: Makes minimal errors. Student will be entirely understood by a native speaker or will handle real life situations in the target language with little difficulty. 3 Proficient: Demonstrates competence but makes some errors. Student will be moderately understood by a native speaker or will handle real life situations in the target language with some difficulty. 2 Basic: Demonstrates competence but makes frequent errors. Student probably will not be entirely understood by a native speaker or will handle real life situations in the target language with difficulty. 1 Minimal: Makes many errors that student can not be understood. Student probably will not be understood by a native speaker or will handle real life situations in the target language with a lot of difficulty.
ASSESSMENT EVIDENCE OTHER EVIDENCE: ASSIGMENTS: Practice assignments will receive points for completion. Showing skill assignments will be graded. QUIZZES: Vocabulary production Vocabulary recognition Grammar knowledge PROJECTS: Unit projects
LEARNING PLAN Daily activities: 1. Greeting at the door 2. Date on the board 3. Take attendance Listening activities: 1. Step and Clap 2. Eurhythmic Spanish vowels 3. Recitation of poems
LEARNING PLAN Speaking activities activities: 1. Vocabulary Guatemalan sacks 2. Guided conversations from textbook 3. Casual conversations guided by teacher 4. Recitation of poems Reading activities: 1. Vocabulary flash cards 2. Readings from textbook 3. Comic book
LEARNING PLAN Writing activities: 1. Vocabulary and Grammar notes from text book 2. Guided activities from textbook 3. Activities guided by teacher Cultural activities: 1. “Comparación cultural” from textbook 2. Recipes 3. Cultural synopsis from different countries 4. Videos and music
LEARNING PLAN Technology use: Online Spanish CLASSZONE.COM 1. Cultura Interactivia 2. Animated Grammar 3. @HomeTutor 4. Games Artistic approach: 1. Vocabulary and Grammar binder 2. Unit Project 3. Poems, songs and verses