Review: Cognitive Assessments II Ambiguity (extrinsic/intrinsic) Item difficulty/discrimination relationship Questionnaires assess opinions/attitudes Open-/Close-ended item construction +/- Factors affecting response rate
Psychomotor Assessments HPHE 3150 Dr. Ayers
DISCLAIMER Product vs Process Testing ch. 11
Guidelines for Sport Skills Testing and Motor Performance Tests acceptable reliability and validity simple to administer and take easy to understand instructions inexpensive & do not require extensive equipment reasonable time for preparation and administration
involve only one participant teacher must assess EACH student individually encourage correct form suitable difficulty interesting and meaningful exclude extraneous variables provide for accurate scoring
provide target scoring guidelines (if accuracy matters) sufficient trials yield diagnostic scores
Effective Testing Procedures Pretest Duties time, forms, procedures, instructions Testing Duties location, materials, cheating, safety, absences, make-ups Posttest Duties transcription, item analysis (practical value; construct validation), reporting, confidentiality
Developing Psychomotor Tests Wilson’s (1993) modified 10-step flowchart (p ) Review criteria for a good test Analyze sport/activity to select critical elements to test Review the literature Select/Construct test items Determine the exact testing procedures Peer Review Pilot Test Look at reliability, validity, objectivity Establish norms or standards Construct test manual to fully describe test Reevaluate the instrument occasionally
Issues in Skills Testing In addition to reliability and validity (the most important issues) Feasibility Testing method Objective skills tests? Alternative/authentic assessment? – See chapter 14
Skills Test Classification Objective Accuracy-based (targets) Repetitive Performance (wall-volley; process matters) Total Body Movement (focus; game-like or product- based?) Distance or Power (focus; game-like or product-based?)
IMPORTANT TEACHING POINT Teach force/speed BEFORE accuracy
Subjective Rating Scales Relative Rank-order value? +/- Absolute Evaluation against a fixed standard Using critical elements helps Common Errors Halo Effect (bias for/against performer) "Standard" Error (judges employ different perspectives) Central-tendency (hesitancy to assign extreme values) Which of these is like norm-referenced assessment?
Rating Scales Suggestions Develop well-constructed scales Train raters well Explain common rating errors to raters Permit ample time to observe performance If possible, use multiple raters
Developing Well-Constructed Scales State objectives in terms of observable behavior Select traits that determine success Define selected traits in observable behavior
Select and develop the rating instrument Define degrees of success Test and revise the rating scale Use the scale in an actual testing situation
Ability or Skill? Ability general, innate psychomotor trait (overarm throw) Skill specific, learned psychomotor capacity (vb spike) Specificity determined with concurrent validity (sport-specific)
Measurement Aspects of the Domain of Human Performance (abilities) Muscular Strength Speed Agility Anaerobic Power Flexibility Balance Kinesthetic perception Tell a friend one specific example of two different ability measures
Purposes of Human Performance Testing and Analysis Selection Classification Diagnosis Tell another friend one specific example of how to use testing to do one of these
Effective testing consists of... Including sport relevant variables Selecting reliable and valid tests Developing sport specific protocols Controlling test administration Maintaining individuals’ rights to privacy Repeating the tests periodically Interpreting the results for the performer and interested parties (e.g., coaches, parents, etc.)
PsychomotorAssignment With a partner: Find 1 skill test and 1 ability psychomotor test that you think will be useful to you professionally and bring a copy to our next class Description, equipment, procedures, recording form, standards (if applicable) We will select a few of these to conduct in lab on Friday, so choose carefully!
PsychomotorAssessments Explain why one thing you learned today will matter to you as a professional