Reformed Partnership and Multi-Level Governance Ana Maria Dobre Political Administrator General Council Secretariat


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Presentation transcript:

Reformed Partnership and Multi-Level Governance Ana Maria Dobre Political Administrator General Council Secretariat

Cohesion Policy: The Legislative Package The Commission presented its proposal on 11 October 2011 The Cohesion Policy Package consists out of the following six legislative proposals:  Regulation laying down common provisions on the ERDF, the ESF, the CF, the EAFRD and the EMFF covered by a Common Strategic Framework  Regulation on the European Social Fund (ESF)  Regulation on the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)  Regulation on the Cohesion Fund (CF)  Regulation on a European grouping of territorial cooperation (EGTC)  Regulation for the support from the ERDF to the European territorial cooperation goal (ETC) The legislative package 2014 – 2020 was adopted at a 1st reading on 16 December 2013 after more than 2 years of negotiations. 2

The legislative package : the Main Elements of Reform The new Cohesion Policy focuses on an integrated approach with a Common Strategic Framework applicable to the three major Cohesion Policy Funds, but also to the Rural Development Fund (EAFRD) and the Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF) in order to foster greater coordination and coherent planning of Union investments. Thematic concentration on the Europe 2020 objectives is another main element also with a view to guaranteeing better and more focused spending. A new category of transition regions in between the less developed regions and the more developed regions. The reformed partnership principle and multi-level governance approach with an increased role of the subnational actors in the process of shaping decision- making Partnership Agreements as strategic documents preparing the programming period in cooperation with partners and dialogue with the Commission 3

The legislative package : the Main Elements of Reform Result-orientation is another key concept in the reformed Cohesion Policy, namely programmes will be evaluated upon targets and indicators, while failure to meet those targets might lead to suspension of payments or financial corrections. 6 % of the Cohesion Policy national allocations will be set aside in a performance reserve. Following a performance review in 2019, the reserve is to be allocated only to the best-performing programmes (in each Member State) that have attained their pre-set milestones. Ex-ante conditionalities: funding will be conditional on covering minimum set of prerequisites in the form of fulfilment criteria in order to prepare the ground for effective and efficient future investments Macroeconomic conditionality: establishes the link between Cohesion funding and the new economic governance. The reformed Cohesion Policy has extended the scope of application of macroeconomic conditionality to all 5 European Structural and Investment Funds (ERDF, ESF, Cohesion Fund, EAFRD, EMFF).

Reformed Partnership and MLG Article 5 - The tip of the iceberg and outcome of inter- institutional negotiations Several Layers of measures to ensure that partnership is organised in each Member State  The organisation of partnership for the preparation of the Partnership Agreements  Competent regional and local authorities are given a prominent role in this process, in which however other partners are also to be included.  Partners shall be involved in the preparation and implementation of programmes.  The introduction of the European code of conduct to support Member States in the organisation of partnership, by setting out a framework for it.

Between Reinforcing and Broadening partnership Reinforcing: The partnership principle is reinforced at all stages of the policy making and implementation Broadening: the concept is broadened to include a variety of public authorities economic and social partners and representatives of civil society, including inter alia environmental partners and NGOs. 6

From Conception to Implementation During implementation, the partnership principle will involve:  Constant cooperation with the partners referred to in Article 5  Enhancing monitoring and evaluation systems in order to allow strategic discussions on the directions the policy takes, on the ways public money is spent! 7

The Code of Conduct on Partnership The Code of conduct is to support Member States in implementing the partnership principle It will lay down elements such as good practices in involving partners during preparation of Partnership Agreement and programmes, internal procedures in monitoring committees, etc. 8

Other Elements of Reform: CLLD The introduction of the Community-led local development: focused on specific subregional areas led by local actions groups or representatives of public and private socio-economic actors carried out through integrated and multi-sectorial area-based local development strategies designed to take into account local needs 9

Further Challenges for the implementation period This strong revised partnership approach is aimed at bringing a better understanding of the role of the reformed Cohesion policy for the whole of the EU However numerous challenges remain on the ground:  Different state and territorial organisations with different competences  Different methods of consultation of partners and cooperation 10