Welcome to 2nd Grade! Im your teacher, Mrs.. Heinen.
Specialist Schedule Art: F 2:00-3:00Art TT: Music: M + Th 2:30-3:00Music TT: Drama:T + Th 8:30-9:00Drama TT: M 10:30-11:30 Dance:M + T 1:30-2:00Dance TT: Th + F 12:30-1:00 Gym: TH 2:00-2:30 Library: Guidance: *TT denotes Team Teaching time
When do we eat? Snack: …aprox. 10:15 after A.M. recess (snack is donated by families as needed. Ex: pretzels,goldfish, cereal) Lunch: 11:40-12:20
Reading In Second grade we will use a mix of resources such as the Trophies series (at book club time) and some enrichment reading that can be differentiated to our ESAA curriculum. On book club days students will also participate in Literacy centers.
+ Math - Math in 2nd grade will be a spiral curriculum, similar to that seen in 1st grade. Some major topics are: money, time, 2 and 3 digit addition/subtraction, and number stories.
Spelling Pretest Monday and lists distributed (if 100% scored on pretest = challenge word list) Individual challenge words are webbed and selected by student Test on Friday
Home Learning Reading: Read at least 15 minutes an evening and initial calendar date. Turn in calendar at end of month. Math: Homelinks sent home most Monday-Thursdays. Spelling: Study at own pace and use own strategies at home.
Take Home Folder Each student will have a take home folder that he/she is responsible for filling with papers from his/her cubby at the end of the day. This will include home learning as well as school notes.
Classroom Help Are you interested in lending a helping hand? Sign up at the round table in the classroom and I will contact you shortly!
Conference Times Check the table in the classroom to make sure you have the time you want. Didnt sign up? You can do it now :)
Zeus (the hamster) If you are interested in taking Zeus, the class hamster home one weekend, please pick up a form in the classroom!