Getting It Together: PRINCIPLES Objectives: Determine what it means to live a principled life. Determine what it means to live a principled life. Decide on principles for your life. Decide on principles for your life.
What do you think “principles” are as we refer to them in Teen Leadership? One thing is certain…the principles we’re going to talk about today are not Mr. Blankenship! One thing is certain…the principles we’re going to talk about today are not Mr. Blankenship!
Let’s consider this definition of “principle”. “A fundamental truth or motivating force; a code of conduct that produces uprightness and integrity.” “A fundamental truth or motivating force; a code of conduct that produces uprightness and integrity.”
Our principles guide and direct every decision we make. Let’s look at principles that Flip Flippen lives by (turn to pg. 73). Given that Flip Flippen wrote the things we’ve heard in Teen Leadership, would we expect him to lie on his income tax return? Given that Flip Flippen wrote the things we’ve heard in Teen Leadership, would we expect him to lie on his income tax return? No! Because one of his principles is: I will strive to conduct myself with wisdom, integrity, and honor in all that I do. No! Because one of his principles is: I will strive to conduct myself with wisdom, integrity, and honor in all that I do.
Would we expect that he would ask anyone to participate in something illegal or potentially harmful? Would we expect that he would ask anyone to participate in something illegal or potentially harmful? No! Because another of his principles is: I will call forth the best from myself and those I serve – to encourage, challenge, support, and strengthen. No! Because another of his principles is: I will call forth the best from myself and those I serve – to encourage, challenge, support, and strengthen.
Would we expect him to talk bad about his employees behind their backs? Would we expect him to talk bad about his employees behind their backs? No! Because he also lives by the principle: We will create and maintain an attentive and caring environment among ourselves and those we serve. No! Because he also lives by the principle: We will create and maintain an attentive and caring environment among ourselves and those we serve.
How can a direction compass be a metaphor for principles? …they determine our course. …they determine our course. …they show us where we want to be headed. …they show us where we want to be headed. …they affect our behavior. …they affect our behavior.
Our overall approach to life. It is our principles that help us to develop an overall approach to life. It is our principles that help us to develop an overall approach to life. They are a reflection of our values, and they help us to rise above every situation and make wise choices. So when someone acts in a hateful manner toward me…it is my principles, or lack of principles, that will determine the response I choose. They are a reflection of our values, and they help us to rise above every situation and make wise choices. So when someone acts in a hateful manner toward me…it is my principles, or lack of principles, that will determine the response I choose. If I live by the principle: I will do all that I can to empower others to live in healthy and confident ways,…then I may choose to talk with the person to find out why that person is treating me like that. If I live by the principle: I will do all that I can to empower others to live in healthy and confident ways,…then I may choose to talk with the person to find out why that person is treating me like that.
If, however, I’m uncertain about my principles, then I may react to the offensive behavior by trying to get back at or hurt that person! If, however, I’m uncertain about my principles, then I may react to the offensive behavior by trying to get back at or hurt that person! The consequences of that choice are almost always painful for everyone…and healthy relationships do not occur. The consequences of that choice are almost always painful for everyone…and healthy relationships do not occur.
What is success? What keeps people from being successful? What keeps people from being successful? Is it poverty that causes people to steal and riot? Or is it because of racism that I don’t have an opportunity to succeed in life and get a good job? Is it poverty that causes people to steal and riot? Or is it because of racism that I don’t have an opportunity to succeed in life and get a good job? It is true that being poor can be an obstacle and being in a minority can be tough, but we don’t have to let these things keep us from being successful! It is true that being poor can be an obstacle and being in a minority can be tough, but we don’t have to let these things keep us from being successful! In many cases, these are simply excuses. In many cases, these are simply excuses.
What is our greatest enemy? What is the greatest obstacle to our success? What is the greatest obstacle to our success? The single greatest enemy any of us face…the one thing that holds us back more than anything else… The single greatest enemy any of us face…the one thing that holds us back more than anything else… …is ourselves! That’s right! You can be your greatest enemy! …is ourselves! That’s right! You can be your greatest enemy! Just as I can be my greatest enemy! Just as I can be my greatest enemy!
Flip has said, “More people are ruined by a wrong self-perception than anything else.” During the first speech in Teen Leadership when we described ourselves, we said things like: During the first speech in Teen Leadership when we described ourselves, we said things like: “I have a brother or a sister;”“I have a brother or a sister;” “I live in this or that place;”“I live in this or that place;” “I’m in such and such club;”“I’m in such and such club;” “I have this or that kind of pet;”“I have this or that kind of pet;” “I play on this or that team.”“I play on this or that team.”
That’s not who you are! That’s what you do! That’s not who you are! That’s what you do! Who you are is what you value! Who you are is the principles by which you conduct your life and control potentially harmful emotions and selfish desires. Who you are is what you value! Who you are is the principles by which you conduct your life and control potentially harmful emotions and selfish desires.
It’s not always easy at first… Living by principles isn’t always easy at first, and especially not in our present culture. Living by principles isn’t always easy at first, and especially not in our present culture. Often we fail to live up to them when we’re first starting out. But instead of eroding and lowering our principles, we should keep trying to live by these proven rules of conduct. Often we fail to live up to them when we’re first starting out. But instead of eroding and lowering our principles, we should keep trying to live by these proven rules of conduct. If we haven’t developed our principles yet, we must establish them and, most importantly… If we haven’t developed our principles yet, we must establish them and, most importantly… We must live according to them once we’ve done so. We must live according to them once we’ve done so.
Universal Principles Page 75 Page 75 Read the story. Read the story. Page 74 Page 74 Take a minute and look over the Universal Principles listed. Take a minute and look over the Universal Principles listed. Put a check by the ones you would want to live by. Put a check by the ones you would want to live by. Then, using these or writing your own, write down in your journal at least three principles that you would want to base your life on. Then, using these or writing your own, write down in your journal at least three principles that you would want to base your life on.