UC DAVIS: Committed to a positive and inclusive campus culture Maureen Stanton Vice Provost – Academic Affairs September 21, 2012
TOPICS The Faculty Code of Conduct [Academic Personnel Manual (APM) 015] The Faculty Code of Conduct [Academic Personnel Manual (APM) 015] The Principles of Community The Principles of Community Work Life Program and Policies Work Life Program and Policies
FACULTY CODE OF CONDUCT (APM 015) Part I -- Professional rights of faculty Part I -- Professional rights of faculty Part II – Professional responsibilities of faculty, ethical principles, and examples of unacceptable faculty conduct Part II – Professional responsibilities of faculty, ethical principles, and examples of unacceptable faculty conduct Expectations focus on the relationship of faculty to: teaching & students, scholarship, the University, colleagues, & the community Part III -- Information on process for review of allegations of misconduct Part III -- Information on process for review of allegations of misconduct [ [
APM 015 part II: Provides examples of unacceptable behavior in the following areas Teaching and Students Teaching and Students Scholarship Scholarship University University Colleagues Colleagues Community Community
EXAMPLES: TEACHING & STUDENTS Failure to meet teaching responsibilities (e.g., arbitrary denial of access; failure to meet class, office hrs, scheduled exams; unfair evaluation) Failure to meet teaching responsibilities (e.g., arbitrary denial of access; failure to meet class, office hrs, scheduled exams; unfair evaluation) Discrimination/harassment Discrimination/harassment Abetting disruption, interference, or intimidation in classroom Abetting disruption, interference, or intimidation in classroom Having a romantic or sexual relationship with a student for whom you have, or should reasonably expect to have in the future, academic responsibility Having a romantic or sexual relationship with a student for whom you have, or should reasonably expect to have in the future, academic responsibility Exercising academic responsibility for a student with whom you have a romantic/sexual relationship Exercising academic responsibility for a student with whom you have a romantic/sexual relationship
EXAMPLE: SCHOLARSHIP Violation of canons of intellectual honesty, such as research misconduct and/or intentional misappropriation of the writings, research, and findings of others
EXAMPLES: UNIVERSITY Intentional disruption of University functions/activities Intentional disruption of University functions/activities Incitement of others to disobey University rules Incitement of others to disobey University rules Unauthorized use of University resources/facilities on a significant scale for personal, commercial, political, or religious purposes Unauthorized use of University resources/facilities on a significant scale for personal, commercial, political, or religious purposes Discrimination, harassment of colleagues/staff Discrimination, harassment of colleagues/staff Serious violation of University policies governing professional conduct of faculty including: Serious violation of University policies governing professional conduct of faculty including: research, outside professional activities, conflicts of commitment, clinical practices, violence in the workplace, & whistleblower protections research, outside professional activities, conflicts of commitment, clinical practices, violence in the workplace, & whistleblower protections
EXAMPLES: COLLEAGUES Evaluating colleagues by criteria not directly reflective of professional performance Evaluating colleagues by criteria not directly reflective of professional performance Discrimination, including harassment, for arbitrary or personal reasons Discrimination, including harassment, for arbitrary or personal reasons Breaching established rules governing confidentiality in personnel procedures Breaching established rules governing confidentiality in personnel procedures
EXAMPLES: COMMUNITY Intentional misrepresentation of personal views as a statement of position of the University or any of its agencies Intentional misrepresentation of personal views as a statement of position of the University or any of its agencies Commission of a criminal act which has led to conviction in a court of law and which clearly demonstrates unfitness to continue as a member of the faculty Commission of a criminal act which has led to conviction in a court of law and which clearly demonstrates unfitness to continue as a member of the faculty
APM 015 part III: Faculty misconduct inquiry/investigation The review of allegations of violations of APM 015 is outlined in UCD 015: Informal inquiry/investigation If reasonable basis exists, a formal investigation is initiated Faculty investigator is appointed Faculty investigator is appointed Faculty member being investigated is informed Faculty member being investigated is informed May result in administrative or disciplinary action May result in administrative or disciplinary action
THE PRINCIPLES OF COMMUNITY Affirm: Affirm: dignity inherent in all of us right to freedom of expression commitment to highest standards of civility & decency towards each other Set forth ideals and expectations for campus interactions, including: Set forth ideals and expectations for campus interactions, including: treating others with respect & civility finding effective means to finding effective means to disagree, to persuade, and to inform through rational discussion [ & in folder]
UC Davis Academic Work-Life Balance
Overview of current programs System-wide Policies FML (Family Medical Leave) FML (Family Medical Leave) Part-time appointments Part-time appointments Childbearing/Parental leaves/ASMD* Childbearing/Parental leaves/ASMD* Extending the tenure clock/deferrals Extending the tenure clock/deferrals UC Davis leadership in policy enhancement 2003: Provost’s Directive : Provost’s Directive E.g. childbearing/care E.g. childbearing/care 2006: Sloan Award (with UCB) 2006: Sloan Award (with UCB) E.g. Work-Life advisors/ other programs E.g. Work-Life advisors/ other programs On-campus childcare and lactation programs On-campus childcare and lactation programs *Active Service Modified Duties
CHILDBEARING LEAVE AND ASMD* Childbearing/care leave- first academic term EITHER For the female faculty member who gives birth: 6 weeks paid leave and the remainder of the qtr/semester is ASMD (APM) OR For the female faculty member who gives birth or for the faculty parent who has 50% or more responsibility for the newly adopted/placed child: one quarter/semester of leave (UCD) In either case, replacement teaching funds are provided centrally for all scheduled courses during that first quarter/semester.
ADDITIONAL CHILDBIRTH/CARE BENEFITS An additional quarter of ASMD is provided for a faculty parent (male or female) with 50% or more care of the child. (APM and UCD) In this quarter, replacement teaching is generally provided for one course. If there are two or more children born or adopted within a short time interval, then an additional quarter of ASMD (for a total of 2 quarters of ASMD) is provided. (UCD) If both parents are faculty members, then one can have the quarter of leave and both can have a quarter of ASMD, as long as they confirm that each will have 50% or more care of the child during that time. (UCD)
Extending the Tenure Clock: APM h * Extending the Tenure Clock: APM h * Childbearing/rearing (men & women) Significant illness Eligible faculty need to request clock extensions within two years of the child birth/adoption Advancement deferrals: pre- or post-tenure for child bearing/rearing/significant illness (need to request within 2 years of event) Advancement deferrals: pre- or post-tenure for child bearing/rearing/significant illness (need to request within 2 years of event) *1 yr/birth event; 2 years max for any reason; deferral requests required GETTING MORE TIME
FACULTY ADVISORS FOR WORK-LIFE BALANCE Advisors are faculty volunteers, except for one free lunch a quarter. Faculty peers provide information about the work-life program and policies. They also serve as a sounding board for faculty who have questions about these issues. At present, we have 12 advisors from most but not all schools/colleges. All are trained about the program/policies/campus resources. All have either utilized the program or are strong advocates for the program. VP-AA meets with all advisors quarterly We have invited two of our advisors to share their experiences with you later this morning.
Summary of Work-Life resources and options Leaves/Active Service Modified Duty (ASMD) Leaves/Active Service Modified Duty (ASMD) Teaching release Teaching release Extension of the tenure clock Extension of the tenure clock Postponement (deferral) of merits & promotion (non-pejorative) Postponement (deferral) of merits & promotion (non-pejorative) Ability to temporarily reduce to part-time Ability to temporarily reduce to part-time Faculty Work Life Advisors Faculty Work Life Advisors ASAP- Academic and Staff Assistance Program ASAP- Academic and Staff Assistance Program
INFORMATIVE WEB SITES ( ( APM 015: [ 015.pdf] APM 015: [ 015.pdf] APM h: pdf APM h: pdf Principles of Community: Principles of Community: Work Life Information: Work Life Information: School of Medicine Work Life Information: demicleaves/index.html School of Medicine Work Life Information: demicleaves/index.html