A good driver Is a driver that knows the rules of the road and does what is expected of them.
A bad driver Is a driver that either doesn’t know the rules or follows them to suit their needs.
What is a Defensive Driver A driver that will do anything and everything to avoid all incidents and accidents.
Pedestrians At 20 mph pedestrian are fatal 5% At 40 mph pedestrian are fatal 85% Pedestrians have the right-of-way at all intersections even unmarked crosswalks. Prohibited from blocking crossing areas Must remained stopped until crossing is complete or on other side of safety island
Pedestrians Should face traffic and use sidewalks Never pass a vehicle stopped at a crosswalk Be alert when turning and crossing driveways & parking lots
Sharing the road Always give right-of-way to visually challenged person Two wheeled vehicles view the road Differently. Give them an extra space
Sharing the road Trucks & buses – You need to know their limitations. Particularly with stopping distances, turning radius & blind spots. It take 25% longer to stop a truck during bad weather “No-zone” principle – blind spots Trucks will start in opposite direction when turning
Sharing the road Leave extra space when stopping behind a truck or bus. Particularly uphill. TTLB – If need be speed to stay out of a truck “no zone”
Sharing the road Yield to bus or postal truck re-entering traffic Covered in chapter 4 – fine $50 to $200, up to 15 days in jail. Yield to bus or postal truck re-entering traffic Covered in chapter 4 – fine $50 to $200, up to 15 days in jail. Yield to bus or postal truck re-entering traffic Covered in chapter 4 – fine $50 to $200, up to 15 days in jail.
Sharing the road Bicycles, Skateboards and Skates Each of these have the same rights & responsibilities as a car Motorist leave plenty of room when following or passing (and beep horn) When operating a bike at night front & rear lights and rear reflectors are required
All other vehicles All other vehicles create the same types of hazards and the same care should be taken Scooter & mopeds require registrations Using them illegally may result in suspend license or delaying obtaining a license TTLB - Always use a helmet ATV & snowmobiles require insurance
Animals Scan road side for animals – particularly at sun rise and sun down (feeding times) Extra care in late fall for the deer mating season Swerving to avoid an animal often causes other accidents. Don’t serve carelessly Horse – slow down and NO HORN Drive carefully!!
Title & Registration Title identified the owner of the car and should not be kept in the car Registration allows a vehicle to be driven on road (license plate) You have 60 days to title and register a car after moving to NJ Registrations are valid for 1 year but a 4 year registration is available on a new vehicle New title must be obtained on every car transaction.
Title & Registration The title is the receipt for selling a car. Complete the back and the new owner takes the title To avoid a $25 fine you must present the title to MVC in 10 business days and fill out paper work for new title
License Plate Each vehicle gets 2 plate (front & back) Plates must be clean Rear plate must be illuminated Plate holder can not cover any of the lettering. This is a primary offense and $100 fine. Report lost or stolen plates to the police Must replace within 24 hours If selling vehicle and not transferring plates, they must be turned in to MVC and keep receipt
Inspections All gas powered vehicles must get inspected. Inspections are good for 2 years 4-years on a new car You have 14 days to get an inspection after registration Expired inspections fine $100 to $200 If vehicle fails owner will have to get it repaired and return for another inspection within 30 days
Insurance New Jersey requires liability insurance on all vehicles Liability includes uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage
License Renewals It is drivers responsibility Good for 4 years 6-points of ID is required If not renewed for 3-years you may have to reapply and take all tests
Changes Reviewed Address – 1 week (online or phone) Name – 2-weeks (at MVC) Lost or stolen – report to police and getr duplicate at MVC w/6-points ID Organ donation – one person can safe 50 lives. This is a personal decision but if you choose to please place it on your license
Traffic Signs, Signals & Markings Signals – Hung vertically - red on top, green 3 rd down. Horizontal – red on left Red light – Must stop before intersection wait for green. Yellow light – Stop before intersection, unless point of no return. Green light – Proceed through, yield to pedestrians and vehicles when turning Green Arrow –proceed in direction of arrow, (must still yield to pedestrians)
Signals continued Flashing Yellow – Slow down & proceed with caution Flashing Red – Stop, yield go when safe Broken light – Stop and treat as a stop sign Red arrow w/green light – don’t turn to red light Orange, raised palm – pedestrians don’t enter roadway. White pedestrian silhouette – pedestrian may cross
Signs There are 3 types of signs: –Warning – warns of hazard ahead –Guidance – Guide motorists by identifying route –Regulatory – regulates traffic speed & movement
Signs continued Warning signs are diamond shaped and yellow with black symbols. (Orange in a construction zone) Guidance – Color & shape vary –Blue – hospital or handicap –Green – highway markings – destinations, exits, mile markers etc. –Brown - Parks and scenic spots