VTPBiS School Coordinator Orientation
Agenda Introductions Review Morning and Answer Questions Define Coordinator responsibilities and competencies Define Team Member responsibilities Identify Coaching and Other Supports Available Define role of the SU/District Coordinator Using your School Data: SET & SAS Answer remaining Questions
?????? What questions do you have after this morning?
Why have a PBIS Coordinator? Support Team with Team action planning and implementation Help with Team sustainability and accountability Team reinforcement (positive nag) Facilitate the use of data in decision making Public relations and communications Network with other schools Feedback to statewide PBIS Team
PBIS Coordinator Pre-requisites: Attendance at introductory trainings Role endorsed by school principal Flexibility to complete tasks during the day Positive rapport with other school staff and professional credibility Interest in performing responsibilities of coordinator
PBIS Coordinator Responsibilities: Ensure Team is scheduled to meet at least monthly and facilitation occurs Help with Team organization and task completion Organize and report data to SU Level Team and to the State Attend regional coordinator meetings (4 times a year – October, January, March & May) Attend training events
PBIS Coordinator Competencies: Fluency with PBIS features – systems, data and practices Effectively communicates with school leadership team, SU/District PBIS Coordinator and community stakeholders (e.g., faculty, students, staff, parents, community members) Positively reports, promotes, shapes, and reinforces school team progress and products
Coordinators Calendar
PBIS Leadership Team Member Responsibilities: Share team roles Promote PBIS Implementation Plan to representative group in school Attend monthly team meetings Volunteer for team tasks Act as PBIS cheerleader!
Activity! Complete the PBIS Coordinator self- assessment Identify three priorities for your own professional development Review your learning priorities with your Team and return completed self-assessment to your coach/trainer
Supports Available to You: Presenters, State TA’s, Implementation Coaches, SU/District Coordinators Optional PBIS Coordinator Check-in at end of each day Other PBIS schools Websites: and
Support for PBIS is needed at every level!
Building Staff, Students and Families PBIS School-Based Leadership Team, Administrator and PBIS Coordinator Supervisory Union/District Coordinator and SU/District Leadership Team VTPBiS State Implementation Team, Implementation and Coaches Implementation Science tells us that we need to attend to both innovation and implementation at all levels. Structures and Supports Feedback You are here!
VT Statewide Structure of Support LevelHow is support provided?Who is supported? State Technical Assistance (State TAs) Info Dissemination Funding TA/Coaching to SUs Regional Meetings Trainings SU/District Coordinators & SU/District Leadership Teams Implementation Coaches (for some schools) Coaching to SU’s and Schools Trainings SU/District Coordinators, School Coordinator & Building Teams SU/District Coordinator Coaching to schools Visibility and political support Resources School Coordinator & Building Teams School Coordinator & School Leadership Teams Implementation of evidence-based practices Staff, Students and Families
Role of SU/District Coordinator 1.Establish SU/District Team 2.Conduct SET Evaluations 3.Act as a liaison between schools and State Team 4.Attend School-based Leadership Team Mtgs (2- 3 times/year) 5.Secure resources/funding for school teams 6.Create capacity for staff training through SU training Calendar See Handout for other responsibilities…….
Using your School Data: SET and SAS
Improving Decision-Making Problem Solution From To Problem Solving Solution Information (Data)
Data Driven Decision Making Getting Started ▫SET, SAS Survey, ODRs Getting to Implementation Fidelity ▫BoQ, SET Sustaining Improvement ▫SAS Survey, BoQ, ODRs
Assessing PBIS Practices Self-Assessment Survey (SAS)
Reviewing your Self-Assessment Survey (SAS) results….. 21 Purpose:Assess staff perceptions of PBIS practices in place and priority for changes Design annual action plan Format:Survey Completed by:All staff Manual or on-line scoring, graphing When?Annually, preferably in the spring
Two main questions 1.What systems are in place now? 2.What systems are most in need of improvement?
23 Understanding SAS Results: 1)Total Score 2)Subscale 3)Items
Total Score:
Assessing PBIS Practices School-wide Evaluation Tool (SET)
Reviewing your School-wide Evaluation Tool (SET) results… Purpose:Assess school-wide implementation of PBIS practices Format:Interviews with staff, students; observations; review of discipline related documents Completed by: Coaches Manual scoring, graphing When?Before SW implementation, 6-12 weeks after SW implementation, Annually
SET Components Section A: Expectations Defined Section B: Behavioral Expectations Taught Section C: On-Going System for Rewarding Behavioral Expectations Section D System for Responding to Behavioral Violations Section E: Monitoring and Evaluation Section F: Leadership
30 Understanding SET Results: 1)Subscale 2)Items
Baseline SET Subscale:
Tasks for Facilitated Discussion In your PBIS School Leadership Teams, your School Coordinator leads discussion on: – PBIS School Coordinator and team member roles and responsibilities – PBIS School Coordinator’s learning priorities and how the team can help – Review results of SET & SAS with team. Establish priorities for implementation
Important Next Steps: Contact State TA or Implementation Coach SWIS/TIPs Webinar – Sept. 12 th or Sept. 14 th Post Implementation SETs (6-8 weeks after roll- out) VTPBiS Training Calendar & Resources: Regional Coordinators Mtgs – ▫Reg. Meetings – October & March- STAY TUNED! ▫Data Days – January & May - STAY TUNED! VTPBiS Newsletters Solidify SU/District Coordinator
Questions and Answers ??????