Support your profession; Let your profession support you!
What Is TLA? Founded in 1902 to promote and improve library services in Texas The largest state library association with over 6,000 members Yearly conferences with over 7,000 librarians and library vendors
Give you the opportunity to network at regional meetings and annual conferences Help you build leadership skills through the TALL Texans Institute and/or participation in the organization Help you to become involved at the state level in your profession
One of the 4 divisions is right for you!! College and University Libraries Public Libraries Special Libraries Texas Association of School Librarians AND…….
Student Chapters Available at Universities offering the MLS degree, so that you can get started in TLA early in your career. Twenty-four Round Tables From New Members to Storytelling, there is a Round Table to suit your professional interests. If that is not enough, then...
Interest Groups ◦ Continuing Education Providers IG ◦ Distributed/E-learning IG ◦ Gay, Lesbian, Bixesual and Transgendered IG ◦ Or form your own, it’s easy. Districts – There are 10 regional districts in the state. They hold their own annual Fall meetings. (More chances to network and learn!)
TALL Texans… A TLA leadership development institute, which includes a 5-day intensive learning experience that: fosters leadership Capabilities, defines leadership development activities for TLA members, and fosters cultural diversity in library leadership.
Texas Library Journal with articles on everything from copyright to filtering to Texas Legislative issues.
TLA gives you support, so you can manage your library program effectively. TLA offers liability insurance at a reasonable price. TLA provides opportunities to grow professionally. TLA brings librarians together to share creative ideas and programs. TLA hosts exciting conferences and programs highlighting exceptional authors and speakers.
TLA offers an open hand to volunteers. TLA provides librarians a forum to become involved actively with their professional organization. TLA offers opportunities to network with librarians from around the state, nation, and the world. TLA offers scholarship opportunities for library school education and stipends for conference attendance TLA supports public school, private school, academic, public, and special libraries and librarians. TLA is for everyone!
Apply online or download the application. Apply online download (For RENEWALS, please use the Members Only/Officers Only section. Much of your information will be automatically entered.)Members Only/Officers Only Dues must be submitted by Feb.1, 2008 to ensure eligibility to vote for association officers. New Members are encouraged to join the New Members Round Table in addition to Round Tables or Interest Groups in your specialized area.New Members Round Table