NWHPEC Board Meeting October 23, 2014 at Nike In Attendance: Jennifer Ayers, Richard Carroll, Mike Funke, Alex Thomason, Julie Simmons Adjourned 1:20pm Financial Update (Mike): - P&L and Balance Sheet were reviewed. Payroll is now shown in an accrual account since we will receive those expenses monthly now Event Updates (Julie): -Learning Tours: October 14 th Learning Tour at Climax occurred. Was a great event and evaluated well. This was Climax’s 7 th annual Learning Tour! Next up: November 18 th at Entek Mfg. in Lebanon. Some concerns due to location, but eight folks are already signed up to attend. If attendance doesn’t get close to maxing out, Julie will let the EVHPEC know about the event and offer seats to them -Training Classes: Julie is scheduling an Intro to Lean class for December 11 th. Robert Shaw from Con-way and Heidi Hicks from Blount are co-teaching the class. Heidi is leaving Blount, so Julie may replace her with another pool instructor -Executive Forum’s: Practical Problem Solving with Mike Hoseus occurred on October 7 th – 9 th. Benchmade was an excellent Workshop host. Attendance in the Overview Session was slightly lower than in the past. We won’t hold another Problem Solving event in 2015; focus will be on Hoshin Kanri and the Enterprise Daily Management System. Next up: Toyota Kata with Mike Rother -Leadership Forum: We have booked David Marquet for January 22 nd at Con-way. David will key note a 75 minute breakfast session. Intended audience is: Leaders at the highest level who set the tone and create the mindset and culture for each member company’s continuous improvement journey. The Board spent quite a bit of time discussing and identifying who the intended audience is and how we can reach them. Julie has the action to contact her main person at each member company to discuss who at that company should attend this event. Julie will create a list of these folks with their contact info to pass along to the Board. The Board will contact each person directly and invite them to this session. Old Business: -Payroll Processing Update: The payroll process with PrimePay continues to work well. Julie is working to get payroll and tax notifications to Kim for bookkeeping purposes. Julie is also continuing to work on getting the 401K set up. PrimePay never came through on this, so she is working with her personal financial investment planner at Wells Fargo. Wells Fargo has a 401K plan that will work for Julie and HPEC; two options are available, so Julie will work with Bryan and Mike once the option has been selected -AME Paid Registration: Climax purchased our open registration pass to the AME Conference. Dana Markunas is attending -Board Directors Liability Insurance: We have paid the annual fee for our Board to have liability insurance. We will continue this practice going forward Next Board Meeting:November 20 th via telecom (Noon – 2pm) Dial: Conf. ID: # New Business: -Holiday Party: Alex inquired about our annual December holiday party. Julie has the action to identify a date and location and communicate this information to the Board