Call Sheet for Monday, August 22 Cast: All Students Scene: Filling Out Information Sheet Location: Your Assigned Seat in Studio 2008 Notes: – Pencils are in plastic box on front of teacher desk (please return). – Notebooks are in a box on the table at the rear (take 1 if you need a notebook)
Mr. Corken Welcome to Audio/Video Production
Code of Conduct = Read It Meetings on Wed Aug 24 or Aug 31 – 24 th = 9 th and 12 th – 31 st = 10 th and 11 th We will follow this code We will have classroom procedures Why do we have procedures?
Textbooks We will use handouts and on-line tutorials There will be a guidebook (class set) for the Adobe Certification Video Training Click here if not 2 nd Period Click here if not 2 nd Period
Parking Decals (Juniors and Seniors) Must purchase decal by August 26 th – Sold on Main Street in front of AP’s Office DURING LUNCHES or AFTER SCHOOL Required to purchase decal: – Valid Driver’s License – Proof of liability insurance on vehicle – $50 for each car – Completed parking info sheet with parent signature Available on May not purchase if you have outstanding fees or fines
Schedule Change Procedures No Elective Changes will be made Go to Counselors’ Corner DURING LUNCH – Teaching Theater for 1 st week Pick up a Schedule Change Request Complete Request with Parent Signature and phone # Return Request to Counselor’s Corner AT LUNCH Beginning Wednesday Aug 24 th, 1 st Period teachers may have your new schedule
Schedule Notes Missing a class? Go to Counselors’ Office during the missing period. In the Wrong Level Class? Go to Counselors’ Corner DURING YOUR LUNCH. Lost Your Schedule? Get a new one from the Counselors’ Office.
Lockers Seniors may request through English Class For locker help: AP’s Office Locker and Combo are on your schedule
Lunch PIN’s are on your schedules A, B, or C Lunch
Attendance If you are not here when the bell rings, you are absent If you arrive by 10 minutes after the bell, you are tardy (Knock on door) – Sign the tardy log to enter class If you arrive 11 or more minutes after the bell, you MUST go to the Attendance office for an un-excused pass to enter class.
AFTER TARDY (AT) Teachers shall LOCK classroom doors after 10 MINUTES. Only students with a pass from an Office should be allowed to enter. All other students must go through the ATTENDANCE OFFICE. (No teacher passes allowed)
AVPI Syllabus – Fall 2011 Read Handout and share with your parents Grades: – 15% = Assessments (Homework, quizzes, journals, practice questions, safety) – 40% = Daily Grades (Short projects and presentations, labs, work-based evaluations) – 45% = Major Grades (Unit tests, cumulative projects, actual or simulated certification assessment)
Adobe Certification Premiere Pro CS 5.0 ACA Certification Test $50 fee Passwords available after you turn in your signed forms
Field Recording Projects You can volunteer for projects Projects will be produced and directed by staff Subject to instructor approval Real experience
Tutoring and Project Help Studio Time is on Thursday and Friday before school: 6:30am – 7:15am, and by appointment Tutoring is available after school from 2:30pm – 3:15pm on Tuesdays or by appointment. – You MUST request a pass from me to attend after school tutoring. At least once every 6 weeks, the Studio will stay open late to work on projects
Complete Information Sheet I will pick them up when you are finished
Assignment: Slate for Audition Every on-camera audition will require a Slate – Name, Agency, Role We will all audition in front of a blue screen Due Tuesday: Practice your Slate and Your Line: BOBCAT FIGHT NEVER DIES!
Call Sheet for August 23 Cast: All Students Scene: Slate and Audition Practice Location: Studio 2008 Blue Screen Area Notes: