Early Eire Irish Kings ruled at Tara Converted to Christianity by St. Patrick
England becomes master Pope Adrian IV Henry II The Pale
Poynings’ Law Irish House of Commons
The End of Ireland -The Church of Ireland -The Settlement of Ulster -Crushing the Rebellion, 100’s of thousands dead Henry VIII James I Oliver Cromwell
Jonathan Swift’s Modest Proposal Cronos eating children (Greek Myth) and 1557 image of Brazilian cannibalism
The Potato Famine
Easter Rebellion of 1916
1948- Republic of Ireland The Northern 6 Ulster, or Northern Ireland (depending) still a part of the United Kingdom, uh oh…
The North Irish Catholics vs. Irish Protestants Social, Political and Economic bias given to English supported Protestants
Bloody Sunday Began “The Troubles” 14 dead Irish UK keeps direct Home Rule
Sinn Fein Gerry Adams – leader of Sinn Fein Party of Resistance and Revolution in the North. Affiliated with the IRA.
IRA Terrorism
The Hunger Strikes, 1981 Bobby Sands and 9 others protest English oppression till their death Nation United in their cause
Good Friday Agreement Power Sharing in the North De-militarization of the IRA Home Rule
A Working Peace??? Loyalist OrangeMen and the Real IRA still, every now and again, carry on the old war…