WCRP update WDAC3 Galway, Ireland, 6-7 May 2014 M. Rixen, WCRP JPS.


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Presentation transcript:

WCRP update WDAC3 Galway, Ireland, 6-7 May 2014 M. Rixen, WCRP JPS

Mission & Objectives World Climate Research Programme supports climate-related decision making and adaptation planning by coordinating research required to improve (1)climate predictions and (2)understanding of human influence on climate “for use in an increasing range of practical applications of direct relevance, benefit and value to society” (WCRP Strategic Framework ).

Global Framework for Climate Services (GFCS) WCRP

Proposed Research Strategy: At the simplest level, Future Earth must answer fundamental questions about how and why the global environment is changing, what are likely future changes, what the implications are for humans and other species, and what choices can be made to reduce harmful risks and vulnerabilities, enhance resilience, and create prosperous futures. ICSU’s Future Earth conceptual framework 1 st Call for proposal: Fast Track Initiatives and Cluster Activities, deadline was 4 April 2014 – needed some GEC core project umbrella Other calls coming soon, eligibility will be less stringent

Importance of fluxes for GCs: examples Regional climate information: BC between global and regional models, conservation of properties Sea level rise: hiatus, ice sheet-ocean fluxes Cryosphere in a changing climate: all land, ocean, atmosphere interfaces poorly understood Changes in water availability: land use change and impact on water storage, run-off, etc Clouds, circulation and climate sensitivity: parameterization, radiative and turbulent fluxes, model development Climate extremes: role of ocean-atmosphere exchanges in enhancing/damping hurricanes and tropical cyclones

CMIP new structure

Earth System Grid Federation JSC34-WMAC2: Earth System Grid Federation to become WCRP main mechanism for exchanging data (climate simulations+observations+reanalyses) in the next decade, including core projects New ‘early’ adopters: CORDEX, CHFP/WGSIP WGCM: a new Infrastructure Panel to maintain standards and metadata across MIPS

Intercomparison Models-Observations Coordinated with CMIP5 are parallel efforts to collect and make available observationally-based products Obs4MIPs A pilot effort to improve the connection between data experts and scientists involved in climate model evaluation. Aligned with CMIP5, with encouragement from the WGCM, WGNE, WDAC. NASA and the U.S. DOE have initiated the project with significant contributions of appropriate NASA products. This is expanding to other products from other agencies. Communities to contribute data to Obs4MIPs such as cryosphere, biogeochemistry, etc. obs4MIPs-CMIP workshop: 29 Apr – 1 May, NASA HQ

Cordex project office Offers being received Review during CORDEX-SAT1 Final decision in consultation with WGRC co-chairs

WCRP-IPCC workshop IPCC AR5: lessons learnt for climate change research and WCRP 8-10 September, ISSI, Bern Identify key uncertainties, research and data gaps Survey leading into workshop Tentative attendees list: –IPCC: WGI co-Chairs and TSU Head, CLAs, WGII co-Chairs and CLAs as appropriate, SREX representative(s), expected participation –WCRP: Director, JSC members as appropriate, representatives of Core Projects, Councils, Grand Challenges and modeling groups, additional nominated experts as appropriate, JPS as appropriate, total approx. 40, assuming that will participate. –Representatives of sponsor institutions and partner programmes including GCOS.

Miscellaneous Dense agenda, some remote briefs, time for discusssions Presentations will be published on the Council web pages – unless we are told otherwise Report: JPS takes notes on discussions, we need summaries of your brief(s) WDAC chair to report at JSC35 on 2 July, Heidelberg, Germany

Thank you for your attention! Merci Brian & NUI!