Career Week When I grow up, I want to be….
Plan today. Succeed tomorrow. IDK-most kids in elementary school do not know what they want to be when they grow up But ALL kids will need to develop proper study habits, make good grades, develop honorable character and obtain quality work ethic to be successful in all careers
Possible Careers Many college students change their mind on what they want to be once they get to college It is wise to analyze your weaknesses and strengths as you grow up Most students choose a career that relates to their interests level So try lots of things growing up to determine where you will be most successful
Bachelors vs Masters A college “major” is the degree you plan to get Bachelors degree usually takes 4 years of college Masters degree usually takes an additional 1-4 years of college There are other advanced degrees that require more years of college Typically, the more education you obtain, the higher your salary will be $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
Business Degrees MBA-Masters of Business Administration CPA-Accounting Information Systems/Computer Programming Marketing Economics Finance
Medical Degrees Doctor and Nurse Nutrition/Dietician Exercise Science Psychology Social Work/Rehab Physical Therapy Microbiology Dentist Pharmacy
Education Elementary Secondary Foreign Music Counseling Administration Art
Engineer Degrees Aerospace Chemical Civil Industrial Mechanical Software Wireless
Agriculture and Animal Degrees Veterinarian Marine Biology Fisheries Poultry Wildlife Horticulture Agronomy Zoology
Media Degrees Radio/TV/Film Theatre Journalism Graphic Design
Design Degrees Interior Design Apparel Design Graphic Design
Military Army Navy Air Force Marines Coast Guard Homeland Security
Politician City Council Mayor State Representative Governor Senator Member of House of Representatives President of the United States