The Division of Student Services Ms. Deborah A. Montilla, Administrative Director
Training – Elementary TRUST Program Implementation The Safe and Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act (Title IV): “The purpose is to support programs that prevent violence in and around schools; that prevent the illegal use of alcohol, tobacco, and drugs; that involve parents and communities; and foster a safe and drug free learning environment that supports student academic achievement”
TRUST in the Elementary Schools Mandated through: Title IV of the No Child Left Behind legislation Florida Statutes Chapter Public K-12 Education Miami Dade County Public Schools Board Rule 6Gx13-5D-1.091
Substance Education Curriculum The Miami Dade County School Board requires that substance education is taught to all students with an emphasis on good decision-making skills Students are empowered to make positive lifestyle choices The school-based drug prevention curriculum provides elementary school students with the information necessary to accomplish this task.
Substance Education Curriculum: TRUST Program The TRUST Program is a comprehensive student assistance program designed to provide: PREVENTION INTERVENTION FOLLOW-UP SERVICES to students and their families who may be experiencing problems in the area of substance abuse and other self-defeating behaviors.
Substance Education Curriculum: Teacher Role The PREVENTION component of the TRUST Program provides curricula and activities to assist students in: Accepting themselves as capable and unique Developing and maintaining positive relationships Making responsible decisions Becoming aware of accurate drug information Planning and participating in healthful alternatives to using alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs
Substance Education Curriculum: Counselor Role The INTERVENTION Component of the TRUST Program offers curricula and counseling activities that target at-risk students. Students and families receive help not only with the symptoms, but also with the causes of substance abuse. Individual and group counseling to address: Alcohol, tobacco, other drugs, stress, suicidal ideations, isolation, family violence, decision- making
Substance Education: Elementary Curriculum This program has been developed by teachers in order to provide “teacher- friendly” lessons that should be integrated into core curriculum lessons at each grade level Pre-tests and Post-tests are included in grades 2-5 ALL GRADE LEVEL TRUST CURRICULUMS ARE ON-LINE
Substance Education Curriculum: Objectives Substance Abuse Prevention objectives are correlated and have been identified using: Competency Based Curriculum FCAT Sunshine State Standards
Substance Education Curriculum: FCAT Examples Kindergarten Lesson: Tell students that they have heard many words which describe different feelings. Ask them to use those words to express themselves Give students the opportunity to practice by saying sentences that begin with “I feel…when…” 1 st Grade Lesson: Select a student to paraphrase the story “Trustees Friend”
Substance Education Curriculum: FCAT Examples 2 nd Grade Lesson: Expository Prompt: Smoking is harmful to your health. Explain why smoking is harmful to your health. Narrative Prompt: Tell about a time that you felt pressure by others to do something that you did not want to do. 3 rd Grade Lesson: Have students summarize the effects of tobacco on the body.
Substance Education Curriculum: FCAT Examples 4 th Grade Lesson: Distribute information page about marijuana and cocaine. Emphasize the negative health effects and have students complete the crossword puzzle 5 th Grade Lesson: Solve the following word problem: Steroids were first used in How many years ago was that? In 1940, Germany used these drugs to increase military aggressiveness. How many years ago was that?
Substance Education Elementary Curriculum Implementation Phase
Administrator Create Implementation Team Set-up times in cooperation with the designated staff member for teacher training Determine time-line for teaching prevention lessons Determine time-line for counselor intervention groups Complete Implementation form and submit to the District Office by October 31, 2008 (Mail #9721) Complete Program Data Collection Form and submit to the District Office at the end of the school year
Implementation Form
Data Collection Form
Substance Education Elementary Curriculum Implementation Phase Teachers Implement the Trustee the Manatee and the Lifesavers curriculum Refer to the counselor any child who may need additional intervention services Provide documentation of completed lessons of the curriculum to the administrator
Lessons per Grade Level Five Lessons per grade level are required Lessons may be chosen based on varying degrees of difficulty, as well as alignment to other curricula
Substance Education Elementary Curriculum Implementation Phase Counselor Provide / assist with teacher training of substance education curriculum. Assist with implementation plan. Provide supplemental resources to teachers and parents. Develop a referral form with direction for referring students to the elementary counselor. Accept referral for students who may need additional support (intervention groups, individual counseling). Assist with completing program year-end data collection.
Referral Form Sample
Who Can Refer Students? Teachers Parents Administrators Student Self-Referral
Review of Curriculum Table of Contents Pre-test/Post test The lessons Appendix – Resource Information
Questions And Answers