Chapter 1-How Food Affects Life Factors that Affect the Food Supply
Agriculture and Environment Agriculture-the use of knowledge and skill to tend soil, grow crops, and raise livestock. Environment- such factors as air, water, soil, mineral resources, plants and animals The interactions among these factors ultimately affect the survival of life on earth. In the US, regional agriculture does not affect the availability of foods as much as it affects their cost.
Government Laws govern the way foods are grown, processed, packaged, and labeled. Government policies affect foods exported to and imported from other countries. United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)-enforces standards for the quality and wholesomeness of meat, poultry, and eggs. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-ensures the safety and wholesomeness of all other foods. Inspects food processing plants
Economics Law of supply and demand If consumers are willing to pay for a product, producers will provide it. Example: ethnic foods in a certain ethnic neighborhood World Hunger Many people around the world do not have access to the same agricultural resources as Americans have
Technology Food scientists and technologists are applying what they know to change the composition of certain foods. They are trying to improve crop yields and ensure the safety of foods. Nutrient content Take out fats, sugars, etc. Keep taste Use of artificial sweeteners (aspartame, acesulfame K, sucralose, and sacharin) and fat replacers (olestra)
Availability Researchers are studying ways to increase the amount of crops a given piece of land can produce Looking for ways to feed the growing number of people Developing plants that can resist disease and pests Studying plants that can grow faster and larger
Safety Each year, millions of people get sick because of something in the food they ate Researchers are trying to develop foods that are less likely to transmit disease Working on improving packaging and preservation methods