Barriers to innovation – and solutions The Collaboration Conundrum Colette Goldrick, Director ABPI Northern Ireland
Devo Manc? NI has delivered integrated health & social care since the 1970s.. …without capitalising on the benefits by measuring outcomes
UK generally low and slow adopter of innovative medicines
Without outcomes evaluation, prescribing is seen as a problem to be solved NI: Slightly better and faster – but a theme recurs…
HSCB – proposed decrease on prescribing.. …despite anticipated receipts of £60m from PPRS by financial year end
Biomedical innovation – indigenous growth is only half the story
Global pharmaceutical R&D – look where the money goes $100 billion invested globally annually in R&D into new medicines and accompanying technologies £4bn spent in UK
UK Gov. Expenditure on health research & development
‘HSC R&D budget is significantly less in Northern Ireland per capita than the rest of the UK. Even at its peak in 2008 the total HSC R&D budget in Northern Ireland equated to around £7.63 per capita, less than 50% England (an estimated £15.12). In Scotland and Wales R&D funding per capita is £12.23 and £14.38 respectively.’ ‘…£4.14 was generated for every £1 of HSC R&D funding….HSC R&D funding is a catalyst for accessing further (often larger) funding: - 60% of those who responded in the survey noted that their HSC R&D funding had a considerable impact on accessing funding from other sources.’ ‘…from 2008 to 2011 four HSC Trusts generated over £1.2 million from participating in clinical research / trials in relation to diabetes alone. Furthermore, when a patient is enrolled on a clinical trial, the trial sponsor (usually a private sector company), covers the cost of the treatment for that patient, meaning that the Trust saves on treatment costs...’ ‘While the primary focus of HSC R&D is to provide high quality research evidence to support policy and practice, it is recommended that further engagement with Invest Northern Ireland be pursued, e.g. joint funding initiatives enabling direct academic, clinical and business collaboration in pursuit of shared goals of value to all three sectors.’ DHSSPS Report 2012 : Evaluation of Impact of HSC R&D Funding
Collaboration with industry
Elsewhere: Wales External facing brand Primary focus on Industry National and international communications vehicle Promoting Wales as a ‘great place to do research’ Ministerial launch March 2013 Growth 80% in Year 1
The 20Vision for Health and Care in Scotland: “We will have a world-leading healthcare service where everyone is able to live longer and healthier lives at home, or in a homely setting” STATEMENT OF INTENT FOR INNOVATION IN HEALTH “Our ambition is to double the economic contribution of Life Sciences to the Scottish economy by 2020”
Remove logistical and process barriers – just do it Measure what we do and market it internationally The race for innovation is global – raise our game Conclusions Learn from the other devolved nations – make collaboration a key economic driver