Final Budget Adoption September 13, 2006
Budget Documents available on Web
Overview of School Taxes Certify Millage Rates
Overview of District Budget
Budget Highlights Budget includes 5.84% CTA Salary Settlement ($40.1 mil.) – Includes E.R.&D Pilot at 6 schools – Includes increase to advanced degree, Glades, seasonal, and year-round supplements. Budget includes 4 new schools (2 elem, 1 middle, 1 high) Class Size Reduction 18/22/25 ratios ($144.2 mil.) FRS Employer Rate Increase ($17.5 mil.) S.T.A.R. Program (Special Teachers Reward Alloc. $9.9 mil.) Teacher Lead Program increased from $100 to $250 per tchr. Contingency Reserve restored to $39.4 million.
Actual 11 th Day Count 170,582
Budget Outlook: Amendments will be needed Student enrollment in District operated schools is approximately 2,223 students less than projected. As part of the 11 th day Student Count, approximately 83 positions or $5 million will be removed from the budget. Second semester staffing adjustments will be necessary.
FY 2008 Budget Process Academic Business Plan and budget calendar will be aligned. Program Return on Investment (R.O.I.) analysis will drive budget. Program decisions that impact school budgets need to be identified early in the budget cycle (January 2007).