Developing a North American Global LambdaGrid Dr. Larry Smarr Director, California Institute for Telecommunications and Information Technology Harry E.


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Presentation transcript:

Developing a North American Global LambdaGrid Dr. Larry Smarr Director, California Institute for Telecommunications and Information Technology Harry E. Gruber Professor, Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering Jacobs School of Engineering, UCSD OptIPuter All Hands Meeting January 23, 2007

Creating a North American Superhighway for High Performance Collaboration Connecting Mexico’s CUDI and Canada’s CANARIE Using California’s CENIC and the U.S. National Lambda Rail

Driving the “Golden Spike” to Connect California and Canada Via Dedicated Gigabit Network Driven by the Canada*California Summit Process San Diego Ottawa Canada US Achieved June 2006!

Communications Research Centre Canada is Joining the OptIPuter Project Establishing an OptIPuter Node at CRC will Enable the BADLAB TM to Develop Collaborative Visualization Environments Using Lightpath Services across CAnet 4 to Calit2 Architecture Application: Participatory Design Studio in Collaboration with Carleton University’s Immersive Multimedia Studio (CIMS) Primary federal government laboratory for R&D in advanced telecommunications Agency of Industry Canada (IC) 200 research staff Primary federal government laboratory for R&D in advanced telecommunications Agency of Industry Canada (IC) 200 research staff Foundations for the Future Broadband Applications and Demonstration Laboratory (BADLAB) Optical Networking Laboratory (ONL) Broadband Applications and Demonstration Laboratory (BADLAB) Optical Networking Laboratory (ONL) Key Broadband Facilities Ottawa, Canada

Next: San Diego Interactive Imaging of High Resolution Brain Slices Generated at McGill University Source: Mark Ellisman, UCSD, Calit2 There are 7407 Slices at 20 µm Each Image has 8513 x 12,472 pixels

Rogers Communications Centre Ryerson University’s Rogers Communications Centre Linking to CA*net4 and CineGrid – Fall 2006 In the Heart of Toronto - Canada’s Largest Media Centre –Creating Digital Cinema/Visualization Lab –School of Image Arts and School of Radio and Television Arts –1300 Undergraduate Students Connection to Calit2 Achieved Dec 18, 2006!

Developing International Research Collaborations: Mexico UCSD Meeting on Joint CICESE/Calit2 Proposal Sept 2002 SDSU’s Eric Frost Talk at CUDI Meeting at CICESE April 2003 Arzberger PRAGMA talk-CUDI in Puebla, Mexico October 2003 Visit by CICESE and CONACYT to Calit2 Jan 2004 Visit by Calit2 and OptIPuter to CICESE March 2004 Visit by CICESE and CONACYT to Calit2 AHM April 2004 Many More Meetings Jaime Parada, Felipe Rubio, & Carlos Duarte at the Calit2 All Hands Meeting

Collaboration Between CICESE and UCSD in Ocean Microbe Genomics UCSD and CICESE Have 30-Year History of Collaboration

CUDI-CENIC Fiber Dedication at Border Governor’s Conference, July 14, 2005 Osaka Prof. Aoyama Prof. Smarr Torreon Conference---Fiber Dedication Linking Mexico and US, crossing at San Diego-Tijuana Shared Security Energy Trans-National Crime Education and Research Business Development US Mexico Arnold Culmination of Three Years of Work Between Calit2, CICESE, CENIC, and CUDI

CICESE, CONACYT, CUDI, and Telmex at iGrid2005 September 26-29, 2005

Dedicated Optical Fiber Collaboratory: Remote Researchers Jointly Exploring Complex Data Proposal: Connect OptIPortals Between CICESE and with 10 Gbps Lambda CICESE UCSD Deploy Throughout Mexico After CICESE Test

We are Very Close to Setting Up a Gigabit Lambda Between Calit2 and CICESE Source: Raúl Hazas, CICESE