Instituto de Computación Facultad de Ingeniería Universidad de la República Montevideo – Uruguay June 2005
Outline About UdelaR InCo in UdelaR Activities Staff’s structure Academic Groups International cooperation Organized events
UdelaR UdelaR is the unique public university in the country. It is situated mainly in Montevideo (no campus). UdelaR is an autonomous university, with a co-government system.
InCo in UdelaR InCo is one of the academic departments of the Engineering School.
InCo in UdelaR (II) InCo is the unique academic institute of UdelaR in the area of Informatics. It was created in 1966, and re-founded in 1985.
Activities Undergraduate Programme (Ing. en Computación). Graduate Programme in Computer Science, joint with PEDECIBA. Master (1989), PhD (1997) Continuing Education Programme for professionals Master (2000)
Activities (II) Research activities Academic Groups. Relationship with industry Consultancy services Courses for professionals Laboratories in specific technologies.NET, J2EE, etc. Join ventures (e.g. CES)
Staff Over 100 people: 30 active researchers (full, associate and adjoint professors) 30 full-time assistants 40 part-time assistants Around 15 with PhD and 40 with Master.
Academic Groups Natural Language Processing Information Systems Operation Research Computing Science Laboratory Computing Center Software Engineering Networks and Communication
International Cooperation Universidad Nacional de Rosario (Argentina) Information Systems, Op. Research, Formal Methods Universidad de CAUCA (Colombia) Federated Information Systems Univ. Federal de RG do Sul (Brazil) Information Systems (PROSUL and FRIDA projects) UP Catalunya (Spain) Systems, Networks and Communications Image Processing
International Cooperation (2) France: Lab. PRiSM – Versailles (Information Systems) INRIA. SmartCards (Sophia Antipolis). Networks (Rennes). Program certification (Rocquencourt). Univ. Paris IV. Natural Language Processing
International Cooperation (3) Canada (Analysis of Algorithms) Carleton University University of Ottawa US: HP Labs. (Information Theory) City Univerity of New York (Op. Research)
International Cooperation (4) CYTED projects and networks. 3 ALFA projects. project
Some events organized LATIN 2000 (LA Conf. In Theo. Informatics) CLEI 2002 IV and X ELAVIO (LA Summer School on Op. Research), 1997, WSSA 2003 (Winter School on Semantics with Applications) ICIL 2005 (Int. Conf. on Industrial Logistics) LPAR 2004 (Logic for Programming, AI and Reasoning) CLAIO 2006 (LIA Conf. on Op. Research)