Urbanization In Canada Historical Perspectives & Present Situation
September 2005Urban Planning Carleton University 2 The Early Settlements Quebec & Montreal-- important settlements in New France, set urbanization trends, guarded rich trade routes (fur); service depots for shipping fur to Europe
September 2005Urban Planning Carleton University 3 Later Part of 18 th Century New factors influenced urban development: Settlements by soldiers, merchants (agriculture mainly) Development of major commercial centres: Toronto, Kingston, St. John, etc. Agriculture settlements– timber trade Western development: fur, agriculture– railway played a role
September 2005Urban Planning Carleton University Industrial growth in the East Agriculture economy in the West First W.W. Heavy demand for manufacturing; urban industries Second WW change in economy: goods to services; greater urbanization
September 2005Urban Planning Carleton University 5 Urbanization in Canada Canada – a highly urban country (over 75% of population)(66% live in cities of more than 100,000 persons) Much pressure on land; need for new & rehabilitated infrastructure
September 2005Urban Planning Carleton University 6 Urban Problems Problems caused by urbanization or urban problems: Poverty Housing costs Transportation congestion Environmental decay Fiscal squeeze Problems are interdependent with definable hierarchy (e.g. Transportation congestion & environmental decay are related; etc.)
September 2005Urban Planning Carleton University 7 Additive Characteristics of Urban Planning Early stress on aesthetics Engineering & economic consideration in efficient functioning of the city Controlling the use of land & developing a sound land use pattern Governmental procedures
September 2005Urban Planning Carleton University 8 Additive Characteristics of Urban Planning -- cont’d Social and human welfare considerations stressing human element Socio-economic, political, physical considerations “Policy-guided”, “systems” view, quantitative techniques Smart Growth