Overall Goal should be the fullest possible development of every child’s actual and potential abilities. The most important concern to match the student’s specific needs with a qualitatively different curricular intervention. They need differentiated curriculum.
Differentiation A board term referring to the need to tailor teaching environments, curricula, and instructional practices to create appropriately different learning experiences for different students. The point to engage learners in instruction through different learning modalities, appeal to differing interests, use varied rates of instruction, provide varied degrees of complexity within and across a challenging and conceptually rich curriculum
Acceleration the general term for modifying the pace at which the student moves through the curriculum. Permitting the student to move as swiftly as possible through required curriculum content. Enrichment probing or studying a subject at a greater depth than would occur in the general education curriculum. Generally involves adding new and different information from a variety of disciplines outside the traditional curriculum.
Curriculum compacting – Compressing the instructional content and materials so that academically able students have more time to work on more challenging materials. Tiered Lessons – Provide different extensions of the same basic lesson for groups of student of differing abilities. Using Bloom’s Taxonomy for phrasing questions and assigning student products
Internships and Mentor Programs These opportunities allow students with exceptional talents to be exposed to one of the most powerful and proven educational strategies (modelling, practice, and direct feedback and reinforcement of important behaviors) within a real-world setting.
Special Courses Award high school or college continuing education credits, form a rich variety of opportunities fo students to encounter mentors, new friends, and expansive concepts. Junior Great Books Students read selections from a number of areas and then discuss their meaning with teachers. Summer Programs Usually relatively brief but intense learning experiences that concentrate on specific areas of intellectual, artistic, and cultural affairs.
The Schoolwide Enrichment Model Tokoh: Joseph Renzulli Program for children who are gifted that focuses on total school improvement. The SEM gives a positive outcome not only for children who are gifted but also for children who are not gifted, for classroom, and resource teachers. Maker’s Active Problem Solver Model A process by which the key elements of content, process, products, and the environment of a child’s learning situation can be modified. Problem Based Learning PBL challenges students to “learn to learn” while working cooperatively in groups to seek solutions to real-world problems.
The Issues academic planning Acceleration career development finding mentors learning styles Testing vocational guidance volunteerism and service gender differences. Anger genuine boredom Bullying Creativity Delinquency Depression dropping out of school very high IQ I ntroversion Intuition meeting the expectations of others Motivation peer relations Perfectionism Overachievement Resilience self-concept/self-esteem Stress sexual identity underachievement.
Tujuan Bimbingan & Konseling anak berbakat: Membantu perkembangan siswa, baik intelektual, emosional, maupun sosial. Membantu mencegah gangguan atau masalah dalam perkembangannya. Membantu mengatasi masalah yang dialami siswa.
Special Schools Self-Contained Classrooms Advantage: curriculum and instruction can be focused on needs of high-ability students; students more likely to work at a pace commensurate with their abilities; challenge some gifted students to ecxel even further. Disadvantage: limited opportunity to interact with peers in general education; often deal with stigma of being viewed as elitist.
Resource Room of Pull-Out Programs Advantage: the differentiation of curriculum is separated from the classroom flow; students receive special help in areas of strength; students can have time with other students to discuss intellectual interests that may not be shared by students in the regular classroom. Disadvantage: curriculum may have no relationship to curriculum in the regular classroom; students may feel different from the rest of the students in their regular classroom; students are academically talented all the time, and not just during pull-out time.
General Education Classroom inclusion Ability Grouping – XYZ Grouping or Tracking : students had the same curricula and the same textbooks, the only differences were in pace of instruction and depth of enrichment. – Within-Class Grouping : regrouping by subject & cluster grouping – Cross-Grade Grouping : ex. Students in the 4 th, 5 th, and 6 th grades were broken into 9 reading groups. The went to class at the same hour but to the level of instruction at which they were achieving