Brad Cousins, University of Ottawa Bessa Whitmore, Carleton University Lyn Shulha, Queen’s University CANADA IDEAS Global Assembly: Amman Jordan, April 2011
The Problem Accountability vs. learning functions of evaluation of development Think tanks on alternatives to the ‘statistical counterfactual’ Increasing popularity of collaborative approaches to evaluation Important to get it right Troubling recent developments: i) deconstructing dimensions of process; ii) visual representation of theory; iii) compartmentalization of CPE
Background 30+ year history of collaborative inquiry in development 1993 Fetterman and Empowerment Evaluation CPE – TIG Rise of Practical Participatory Evaluation P-PE Cousins & Whitmore (1998): Framing PE
Participatory Evaluation as Collaborative Social Inquiry P RAGMATIC P OLITICAL E PISTOMOLOGICAL Problem solving Fairness Produce valid knowledge Two streams: Practical PE Transformative PE Three justifications
Cousins, J. B. & Whitmore, E. (1998). Framing participatory evaluation. New Directions for Evaluation, 80, Framing Participatory Evaluation
i) Deconstruction Re-visited Daigneault & Jacob (2009) Coherence Parsimony External differentiation “We had it right the first time.”
ii) The Logic of Logic Models? Alkin and associates: use LM in evaluation theory to Compare Training needs Inconsistencies Drawbacks Rigidity, pre-ordinate Risk of under-representing context, culture Mechanistic representation of dynamic process
iii) Re-thinking compartmentalization CPE: one big happy family in search of individual identity. Why? Lack of clarity in differentiation.
Accountability/Outcome/Impact Formative/Improvement Developmental Capacity Building Process Use Knowledge Transfer Context Call for Collaborative Inquiry What control should I have over the evaluation process? Who should participate? How engaged should participants be? Essential features of CI in E
Toward Coherent Principles for CI in E Open, collaborative process involving evaluators and stakeholders Working draft, subject to review and revision Field test and develop evidence base.