Discover Afterschool! October 12, 2006 The School District of Palm Beach County in partnership with PrimeTime PBC
Who? More than 28 million children in the U.S. have parents who work outside the home and 14.3 million children have no place to go after school. The SDPBC serves over 19,000 of these students in afterschool programs throughout the District.
What? Discover Afterschool, Palm Beach Countys celebration of Lights On Afterschool for 2006, promoted the critical importance of quality afterschool programs in the lives of children, their families and their communities. Discover Afterschool, Palm Beach Countys celebration of Lights On Afterschool for 2006, promoted the critical importance of quality afterschool programs in the lives of children, their families and their communities.
Why? Many afterschool programs across the country face funding shortfalls so severe that they are forced to close their doors and turn off their lights. Many afterschool programs across the country face funding shortfalls so severe that they are forced to close their doors and turn off their lights.
How do we respond? Our District demonstrates the belief that options for students in afterschool programming are a priority through implementation of: Our District demonstrates the belief that options for students in afterschool programming are a priority through implementation of: –School Age Child Care -SACC (94 sites) –Beacon Centers (12 sites) –Middle School After School Programs (35 sites) –21 st Century Community Learning Centers (7 sites) –Summer Camps (50+ sites)
21 st Community Learning Centers Bubble Magic – Fun in Science
Middle School After School Robotics – Science in Motion
Beacon Centers Community in Action
Middle School After School Step Teams
Summer Camp Role Play
Why? The pictures tell it all! Safe and Happy Students Positively Engaged
Discover Afterschool! Thank you for supporting our students!