SEFSC Research Progress and Objectives IAC Spring Meeting April 7-9, 2010.


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Presentation transcript:

SEFSC Research Progress and Objectives IAC Spring Meeting April 7-9, 2010

2 Pelagic Observer Program 2009 Gulf of Mexico Enhanced Observer Coverage 2009 Project Objectives: -Attempt 100% observer coverage during peak BFT spawning -Collect robust data regarding BFT discards -Collect data regarding spatial and temporal patterns of BFT bycatch -Collect as many biological samples from landed fish or dead discards as possible

3 Pelagic Observer Program 2009 Gulf of Mexico Enhanced Observer Coverage Results: -Coverage period was March 30 th – June 11 th -Estimated coverage of ~85% -68 observed trips, 613 sets, 29 different vessels -Landings: 3163 YFT, 1889 SWO, 11 BET -BFT bycatch: 47 landed, 73 released alive, 190 released dead, 10 lost (320 total) -BFT average measured length 249 cm, average weight of landed fish 228 kg -44 males, 66 females

4 Pelagic Observer Program 2009 Gulf of Mexico Enhanced Observer Coverage Samples made available to researchers in 2009:

5 Pelagic Observer Program 2010 Gulf of Mexico Enhanced Observer Coverage 2010 Project Objectives: -Use available funding to achieve highest possible coverage level -Continue monitoring of BFT bycatch -Continue collection of biological samples

6 Pelagic Observer Program 2010 Gulf of Mexico Enhanced Observer Coverage 2010 Project update: -Funding available for an estimated 40-50% observer coverage. Expected CV for BFT discard estimates at this coverage rate is approximately <= 0.2 (see NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS-SEFSC-588) -Observer deployments began on March 11 th and will continue as long as funding allows (anticipated to be approximately June 11 th )

7 Pelagic Observer Program  40-50% coverage will fully accommodate research objectives of POP AND additional funding will allow expanded research programs for BFT, including:  The SEFSC anticipates that ~800K will be available to:  Obtain required training and equipment to build capacity for production ageing at the SEFSC  Augment existing sampling programs to obtain BFT tissues (e.g. otoliths, tissue) for production ageing, natal origin, movement and other purposes  Conduct survival studies using electronic tagging and appropriate release techniques (PLL).

8 Pelagic Observer Program  This additional research is of enormous value to stock assessment and will enable marked improvements in stock assessment data and methodologies.

9 Habitat Utilization Prince et al. In review. Ocean Scale Hypoxia-Based Habitat Compression of Atlantic Istiophorid Billfishes. Fisheries Oceanography.

10 Habitat Utilization A tagged BUM was released off the Cape Verde Islands. It was monitored for ~43 days. Cross-sections of vertical habitat usage are shown.

11 Habitat Utilization 2010 Proposed Research: At the 2010 BUM data preparatory meeting SEFSC staff will examine catchability within and outside the OMZ. If there is expansion of the OMZ with time, and q varies across the OMZ, it will be necessary to revise CPUE standardization methodologies. The relationship between CPUE and abundance for tropical pelagic billfish and tuna in uncompressed (a) and (b) compressed environments.

12 Ichthyoplankton Research in GOM 1. Examining historical larval bluefin catch locations 2. Defining relationships between bluefin larvae occurrences and environmental variables… 3. … leads to the development of models predicting suitable habitat for larvae

13 Daily satellite images were used to help guide sampling to cover Loop Current, warm-core eddy, and frontal waters Preliminary results show an association between larval bluefin tuna, and thermal fronts 1. Access to high-resolution satellite imagery allowed us to target oceanographic features to sample 2. Distribution of larval bluefin tuna from targeted neuston net tows Ichthyoplankton Research

14 Ichthyoplankton Research in the GOM  This year, SEFSC scientists have developed a new habitat model using remotely sensed satellite data, and we are using the 2010 Spring Icthyoplankton cruise to test this new model.  Similarly to last year, we have secured permission from Mexico to sample in their waters, and we have a number of Mexican fisheries scientists on board the 2010 cruise.

15 Habitat Assessment Improvement Plan FY2010 HAIP Proposal: Pending funding. Primary Investigators: Michael J. Schirripa (SEFSC), Patrick Lehodey (CLS, France), Eric Prince (SEFSC) and Jiangang Luo (UM-RSMAS) Objectives: We propose to model the habitat of Atlantic blue marlin using an approach developed for a Spatial Ecosystem And Populations Dynamics Model (SEAPODYM). The model will be calibrated and evaluated using fishing data and electronic tagging data. The results will be useful for CPUE standardization.

Dan Foster, Charles Bergmann and others…. Department of Commerce NOAA Fisheries – Southeast Fisheries Science Center Engineering and Harvesting Branch Experiments in the Gulf of Mexico to Evaluate Bluefin Tuna Bycatch Mitigation Measures in the Yellowfin Tuna Fishery

17 Additional Research Funding  Ongoing gear studies will continue  Roughly 600K will be made available through Virginia Tech to fund extramural research (e.g. genetic studies, tagging etc.)

HMS Monitoring Programs Commercial Pelagic Observer Program Shark Bottom Longline Observer Program Shark Gillnet Observer Program Logbook Reporting Requirements (HMS Logbook) Mandatory if selected Authorized but not implemented for CHB Dealer Reports Recreational MRIP/LPS Recreational Billfish Survey Non-tournament billfish/swordfish call-in Automated Landings Reporting System MD & NC tagging programs