Computer Based Training (CBT) Christopher S Blocher Pennsylvania State University
Overview b What is CBT? b Classroom or Computer? b Pros and Cons b How does it work? b Why use it? b Effectiveness
Definition b Computer-assisted instruction (CAI) in which the program provides drill and practice b Computer-managed instruction (CMI) in which the program evaluates the student’s test performance, guides him/her to appropriate instructional resources, and tracks progress
Definition b Computer-enriched instruction (CEI) in which the computer serves as a simulator or programming device
Definition CBT = CAI + CMI + CEI
Comparing to Competition b “The world is becoming more knowledge intensive.” ~ Peter Drucker b Classroom training is norm; computer training is the future? b What are the pros and cons of each? b So which should prevail?
Comparing CBT to Competition b Pro Cost on declineCost on decline GraphicalGraphical ConsistentConsistent Self-pacedSelf-paced Automated RecordsAutomated Records 24 / 724 / 7 b Con Possible bandwidth Only as good as writer Size Prohibitive Vendor conjunction User computer ability Employee dedication
Solving the Puzzle Companies that use a CBT:
Solving the Puzzle b “The cornerstone of success in business today is knowledge.” b Audio, Visual, or Hands On Training b Self Automated Approach b Centralized Records b Module, Lesson Approach
Working the Magic b Placement b Access Courseware over intranet b Read/Learn/Apply b Automated Testing b Evaluation b Finalization
Answering the Ultimate Question b Install? b Company of responsibility b Product longevity b Customer Service b Accuracy and appropriateness
Answering the Ultimate Question b Re-entry point b Flexibility b Discounts and Costs b Lease/Own b Visual Accuracy
Answering the Ultimate Question PAYOFF ?!?!?
Measurement b Install Effectiveness b Modules and Lessons b Learners b Administration b Activity Flow b Overall Process
Remember b CBT Basics b Classroom vs CBT b Why or why not b The Ultimate Question b Measurement and Evaluation
Bibliography b Forlenza, Donald. Computer-based training. Professional Safety. V40 n5. May p b Janicak, Christopher A. Computer-based training: Developing programs with the knowledge-based safety training system. Professional Safety. V44 n6. Jun p
Bibliography b Keckan, Maria. Computer-based staff training: Can you afford not to?. Nursing Homes. V46 n6. Jun p