The Disciples Receive The Holy Spirit Jesus calls his disciples to continue the mission of sharing and spreading God’s love Jesus promised to send the Holy Spirit to guide and help them on this journey Through the presence of the Holy Spirit, God has been able to express his love for humanity The Holy Spirit would come to the disciples if they believed in Jesus After Jesus’ Ascension, the disciples and Peter were gathered in Jerusalem for Pentecost Pentecost comes from a Greek word that means fiftieth On the 50 th day after Passover, the Jews celebrate a harvest festival This was an event when they thanked God for their blessings Peter told the crowds that God raised Jesus from the dead People were amazed, and then asked many questions about what they should do Peter told them to repent and to be baptized in Jesus’ name and to receive the gift of the Holy Spirit Pentecost is 50 days after Easter This is a time for all of us to thank God for the Gift of the Holy Spirit
The Laying on of Hands and Anointing are signs of the Holy Spirit’s Presence The Holy Spirit guided and strengthened the newly baptized people as well as the 12 apostles. Laying on of hands was joined to the anointing in the early church. In the early church everyone knew the importance of the laying on of the hands. Chrism- Is perfumed oil, or, blessed, by a bishop. Diocese- a local area of the Church led by a bishop, greatly expanded. The Church in the East celebrates confirmation and baptism on the same day. A priest can do both, but he will need to use chrism that was blessed by a bishop for baptism. “The Church in the West, however, to emphasize the unity of Catholics with their bishop, reserved the celebration of Confirmation to the bishop himself.” The West Church also celebrates Confirmation and Baptism separate. It doesn't matter when the two sacraments are celebrated the fact is that confirmation “confirms baptism and strengths Baptismal grace.”
We are sealed with the Gift of the Holy Spirit in Confirmation To be confirmed you have to be in a state of grace Those who are preparing for Confirmation are called candidates The candidates will discover what it means to be anointed with the chrism along with experiencing how it changes their life Their relationship with God and Jesus will be strengthened preparing for Confirmation As they prepare, they have to choose a name, usually of a saint, to follow their holy examples Even though they have the choice to choose a different name, they are encouraged to use their baptismal names. When they prepare, they have to choose a sponsor. A sponsor needs to be at least 16 years old The sponsor needs to be an example to the candidate of Christian living The candidates are encouraged to choose one of their godparents to b their sponsor, but hey can choose a friend from their Parish or a relative Their sponsors play an important part into the preparation for the candidates During all of the sacraments, the whole parish participates for the preparation of the candidates The parish teaches the candidates to prepare for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit is doing good deeds. The whole community prays with the candidates Some people in the Parish meet with the candidate to talk about their faith and he bet ways to serve people All people of the community gets together and opens up to the Holy Spirit
The Sacrament of Confirmation Completes Baptism
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