Welcome to of Reno Life is Great in 2008
LoV Unity Ministry of Reno is a spiritual community centered in God, fostering spiritual growth, inner strength, integrity and learning. Through the teachings of Jesus Christ, faith, prayer and meditation, our loving family provides inspiration, healing and service to our church and community. Our Mission
LoV Unity believes: There is one Presence and one Power in the universe and in our lives, and that power is God. God is absolute Spirit, absolute good and everywhere present. One Presence/One Power
LoV Unity believes: Human beings are of God and have the spark of divinity, the Christ Spirit within. Therefore, they are inherently good. Unity believes: Human beings are expressions of God and have the spark of divinity, the Christ Spirit within. Therefore, they are inherently good. The Christ Individualized in Everyone
LoV Unity believes: Human beings create their own experiences by the activity of their thoughts. "A thought held in mind produces after its own kind." Positive thoughts produce positive results. Negative thoughts produce negative results. Law of Mind Action
LoV Unity believes: Prayer is the link that connects us with God. Through affirmative prayer we bring forth good, and it is through denials we let go of negative thoughts that keep us from a experience of Good/God. Unity believes: Prayer is the link that connects us with God. Through affirmative prayer we bring forth good, and it is through denials we let go of negative thoughts that keep us from a greater experience of Good/God. Denials & Affirmations
LoV Unity believes: Prayer is communion with God either silently or audibly. Meditation is listening to or waiting upon God... man's spiritual approach to God. Prayer & Meditation
LoV Unity believes: Knowing and understanding the laws of life (Truth) are not enough. We must also strive to live the Truth that we know.
LoV We accept Jesus Christ as our spiritual teacher and recognize that the same Christ Spirit that was within Jesus is also within us.
LoV Unity Ministry of Reno is a spiritual community centered in God, fostering spiritual growth, inner strength, integrity and learning. Through the teachings of Jesus Christ, faith, prayer and meditation, our loving family provides inspiration, healing and service to our church and community. Our Mission
LoV Please take a moment to turn off your cell phones. Also, please be sure your car is locked. We are a community church and can not watch our cars while in church!
LoV We have worked hard to provide a wonderful Children’s Church. Our Sunday Service does not lend itself to the interest of children. If you bring a child to the service, we honor that; however in the interest of others, we ask you to sit in the back row where exit is easily available.
“You are the Light of the World!” Gospel of Thomas, A Course in Miracles
“As man thinketh in his heart, so is he.” Proverbs 23:7
LoV “With thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.” Philippians 4:6
"Death and Life are in the power of the tongue." Proverbs 18:21
Well, as I always say, ‘change your mind, change your life.’ Suffering is “for the humans”.
“Our life is shaped by our mind. We become what we think.” The Buddha
Unity practices the religion of Jesus rather than the religion about Jesus. Eric Butterworth
LoV Our Core Values Spiritual Education Unity Philosophy Transformation Spiritual Community Love & Service
LoV Unity… A family church of Loving hearts and open minds, Transforming humankind, One heart, one mind at a time... Unity… A family church of Loving hearts and open minds, Transforming humankind, One heart, one mind at a time...
LoV Whoever you are, Wherever you are Along your journey of faith, You are welcome in this place. Whoever you are, Wherever you are Along your journey of faith, You are welcome in this place.
Please take a moment to turn off your cell phones.
LoV Turn Your Cell Phone OFF! Turn your cell phone off, just put it on vibrate. The bathroom’s in the back, we guarantee there'll be a break. There'll be time to eat, there'll be time to mingle, All your needs will be met, but please turn your cell phone off! Turn it off! Turn your cell phone off! Turn your cell phone off, just put it on vibrate. The bathroom’s in the back, we guarantee there'll be a break. There'll be time to eat, there'll be time to mingle, All your needs will be met, but please turn your cell phone off! Turn it off! Turn your cell phone off! Please….
Welcome to of Reno Life is Great in 2008
I am the heart, I am the hands I am the voice, of Spirit on earth. And all I am, and all I do, Is a blessing to the world. I am the heart, I am the hands I am the voice, of Spirit on earth. And all I am, and all I do, Is a blessing to the world. "Blessing to the World"
LoV You are the heart, You are the hands, You are the voice of Spirit on earth And who you are, and all you do, Is a blessing to the world. You are the heart, You are the hands, You are the voice of Spirit on earth And who you are, and all you do, Is a blessing to the world.
LoV We are the heart, We are the hands We are the voice of spirit on earth And all we are, and all we do, Is a blessing to the world. We are the heart, We are the hands We are the voice of spirit on earth And all we are, and all we do, Is a blessing to the world.
LoV and all we are, and all we do, is a blessing to the world. and all we are, and all we do, is a blessing to the world.
I am the Light of God, I am the Love of God, I am the Power of God, I am the Presence of God, Where ever I am God is… (repeat) I am the Light of God, I am the Love of God, I am the Power of God, I am the Presence of God, Where ever I am God is… (repeat) I Am The Light of God
LoV You are the Light of God, You are the Love of God, You are the Power of God, You are the Presence of God, Where ever You are God is… (repeat) You are the Light of God, You are the Love of God, You are the Power of God, You are the Presence of God, Where ever You are God is… (repeat)
LoV We are the Light of God, We are the Love of God, We are the Power of God, We are the Presence of God, Where ever we are God is. We are the Light of God, We are the Love of God, We are the Power of God, We are the Presence of God, Where ever we are God is.
Affirmation " God is complete and my prayers have been answered."
I live, move and have my being in One Presence, One Mind, One Life, One Love in all, through all, as all, God the Good, Omnipotent. I live, move and have my being in One Presence, One Mind, One Life, One Love in all, through all, as all, God the Good, Omnipotent. Statement of Being
LoV I live, move and have my being in One Presence, One Mind, One Life, One Love in all, through all, as all, God the Good, Omnipotent. I live, move and have my being in One Presence, One Mind, One Life, One Love in all, through all, as all, God the Good, Omnipotent.
There is sunshine in my soul today, It is glorious and bright, Ever glowing with a warming ray For Spirit is my light. There is sunshine in my soul today, It is glorious and bright, Ever glowing with a warming ray For Spirit is my light. There is Sunshine in My Soul Today
LoV O there ’ s sunshine, blessed sunshine, As the peaceful, happy moments roll; For I behold the Christ in every face And there ’ s sunshine in my soul. O there ’ s sunshine, blessed sunshine, As the peaceful, happy moments roll; For I behold the Christ in every face And there ’ s sunshine in my soul.
LoV There is springtime in my soul today, I know the Lord is near; The notes of peace sing in my heart, The joys of grace appear. There is springtime in my soul today, I know the Lord is near; The notes of peace sing in my heart, The joys of grace appear.
LoV O there ’ s sunshine, blessed sunshine, As the peaceful, happy moments roll; For I behold the Christ in every face And there ’ s sunshine in my soul. O there ’ s sunshine, blessed sunshine, As the peaceful, happy moments roll; For I behold the Christ in every face And there ’ s sunshine in my soul.
LoV There is gladness in my soul today, And hope, and love, and praise, For blessings which He gives me now, Are bright’ning all my days. There is gladness in my soul today, And hope, and love, and praise, For blessings which He gives me now, Are bright’ning all my days.
LoV O there’s sunshine, blessed sunshine, As the peaceful, happy moments roll; For I behold the Christ in every face And there’s sunshine in my soul. O there’s sunshine, blessed sunshine, As the peaceful, happy moments roll; For I behold the Christ in every face And there’s sunshine in my soul.
In this very room, there's quite enough love for all of us, and in this very room, there's quite enough joy for all of us. There is quite enough hope and quite enough power, to chase away any gloom. For Spirit, yes Spirit...is in this very room. In this very room, there's quite enough love for all of us, and in this very room, there's quite enough joy for all of us. There is quite enough hope and quite enough power, to chase away any gloom. For Spirit, yes Spirit...is in this very room. In This Very Room
LoV In this very room, there's quite enough love for all of us, and in this very room, there's quite enough joy for all of us. There is quite enough hope and quite enough power, to chase away any gloom. For Spirit, yes Spirit...is in this very room. In this very room, there's quite enough love for all of us, and in this very room, there's quite enough joy for all of us. There is quite enough hope and quite enough power, to chase away any gloom. For Spirit, yes Spirit...is in this very room.
“God, help me handle my relationship with _____________ in a loving way.” “What would be the right thing for me to do?” “Spirit, what do you want me to say?”
God guides me in all of my relationships, giving me the words to say and the actions to take. I go to God for help and I receive it.”
God in me is greater than any relationship difficulty I face. I ask and I receive the help I need to resolve it.
I give my resentments to God and God gives me the freedom to love.
God helps me accept what is, and acceptance sets me free to do what ought to be done by me.
With us for the first time today ? Please don’t feel you need to give. It is our joy to have you as our guest ! With us for the first time today ? Please don’t feel you need to give. It is our joy to have you as our guest !
LoV Divine love, through me, blesses and multiplies all that I am, all that I have, all that I give and all that I receive. Divine love, through me, blesses and multiplies all that I am, all that I have, all that I give and all that I receive. Unity Blessing of Our Tithes and Offerings
Everything that we have, Everything that we are, Every moment is a blessing from our God. It’s endless love that we breathe, It’s endless love that we receive. What has freely come we now let freely go. Everything that we have, Everything that we are, Every moment is a blessing from our God. It’s endless love that we breathe, It’s endless love that we receive. What has freely come we now let freely go. Everything That We Have
LoV Everything that we have, Everything that we are, Every moment is a blessing from our God. It’s endless love that we breathe, It’s endless love that we receive. What has freely come we now let freely go. Everything that we have, Everything that we are, Every moment is a blessing from our God. It’s endless love that we breathe, It’s endless love that we receive. What has freely come we now let freely go.
LoV Everything that we have, Everything that we are, Every moment is a blessing from our God. It’s endless love that we breathe, It’s endless love that we receive. What has freely come we now let freely go. Everything that we have, Everything that we are, Every moment is a blessing from our God. It’s endless love that we breathe, It’s endless love that we receive. What has freely come we now let freely go.
Unity Ministry of Reno gratefully acknowledges the members of our spiritual family who have helped to make this morning’s service possible: Power Point - Bill Baker & Gerrie Jordan Sound - Scot Clements Hospitality - Melayne & Bill Baker Ushers - Sharon Callanan and Joan Meussner Meditation - Linda Johnson Bookstore - Bill Baker CD - Sales - Julie Bingham Announcements - John Williamson Greeter's Table - Jeri Rao Power Point - Bill Baker & Gerrie Jordan Sound - Scot Clements Hospitality - Melayne & Bill Baker Ushers - Sharon Callanan and Joan Meussner Meditation - Linda Johnson Bookstore - Bill Baker CD - Sales - Julie Bingham Announcements - John Williamson Greeter's Table - Jeri Rao
You are walking in the Light In the Light, in the Light You are walking in the Light In the Light of God. In the Light, In the Light, In the Light of God. You are walking in the Light In the Light, in the Light You are walking in the Light In the Light of God. In the Light, In the Light, In the Light of God.
LoV You are walking in the Love In the Love, in the Love You are walking in the Love In the Love of God. In the Love, In the Love, In the Love of God. You are walking in the Love In the Love, in the Love You are walking in the Love In the Love of God. In the Love, In the Love, In the Love of God.
You are God’s perfect child, and we love you just the way you are! You are God’s perfect child, and we love you just the way you are!
The Light of God surrounds us The Love of God enfolds us The Power of God protects us The Presence of God watches over us… Wherever we are, God is! The Light of God surrounds us The Love of God enfolds us The Power of God protects us The Presence of God watches over us… Wherever we are, God is! Prayer for Protection
Let there be Peace on earth and let it begin with me; Let there be Peace on earth, the Peace that was meant to be. With God as Creator, family all are we. Let us walk with each other in perfect harmony! Let there be Peace on earth and let it begin with me; Let there be Peace on earth, the Peace that was meant to be. With God as Creator, family all are we. Let us walk with each other in perfect harmony! Peace Song
LoV Let Peace begin with me, let this be the moment now. With every step I take, let this be my joyous vow: To take each moment and live each moment in Peace eternally. Let there be Peace on earth and let it begin with ME! Let Peace begin with me, let this be the moment now. With every step I take, let this be my joyous vow: To take each moment and live each moment in Peace eternally. Let there be Peace on earth and let it begin with ME!
LoV You are the light of the world, You are the light of the world, You are the light of the world, You are the light...
LoV So let your light so shine, Let your light shine... So let your light so shine, Let your light shine...
LoV You are the joy of the world, You are the joy... You are the joy of the world, You are the joy...
LoV So let your joy so shine, Let your joy shine... So let your joy so shine, Let your joy shine...
Unity Ministry of Reno is a spiritual community centered in God, fostering spiritual growth, inner strength, integrity and learning. Through the teachings of Jesus Christ, faith, prayer and meditation, our loving family provides inspiration, healing and service to our church and community. Our Mission
Welcome to of Reno Life is Great in 2008