Elizabeth specializes in working with….. Individual adults experiencing trauma However, she also works with adults and children experiencing… Anxiety Depression Relationship problems Struggles with beliefs
Typical Day 5-6 clients per day for one hour each Typically get paid at the end of each session 10 minute breaks in between During the session… Ask lots of questions Help clients come to their own answers Take lots of notes Possibly use EMDR
Getting Started Education Elizabeth: English undergrad, then psychology in graduate school Usually a master’s degree is needed to work in counseling Typical path Get master’s degree work for an agency work in private practice
Getting Started (continued) During college, volunteer somewhere where you directly help people! Elizabeth worked at a homeless shelter, and with Hmong refugees Find a good clinical supervisor to be your mentor You WILL run into problems!
Necessary Traits/Skills Listening Patience Empathy Compassion Curiosity about people Organization/documentation Willing to do paper work for insurance
Challenges and Rewards Biggest Challenge: Dealing with insurance companies Biggest Reward: Seeing people grow, become happier, achieve goals, and let go of negative thoughts of the past
Related Careers Social worker Researcher Psychology professor Marketer