1-1 Transition to Registered Nursing Introduction & LVN to RN West Coast University Week 1
1-2 Welcome Who are you? What about the instructor?
1-3 Rules No Cell Phones or Pager or blue tooth's No Open Lap tops No Food or open containers (only screw caps) Watch attendance No Make-ups or late assignments Know if individual or group assignment Do not copy from any classmates
1-4 Course Website
1-5 Objectives Review syllabus Difference between an LVN vs RN Adult Learning Introduction to the Nursing Process
1-6 Syllabus Text Books Nursing Diagnosis Transitioning from LPN/VN to RN Nursing Process in Action APA: The easy way! Any PN review book or NCLEX-PN Review book with Studyware CD-ROM $59.95
1-7 Syllabus Evaluation PEP MT Poster Final Participation
1-8 Grading Scale A = 91 – 100 B = C = < 76 = need to repeat the course
1-9 Assignments PEP – individual assignment Take NCLEX-PN 2500 Answer questions Do calendar Poster – Group assignment Agency Professional Organization RN interview Non-RN interview
1-10 Syllabus Attendance -10 for late arrivals/early departures -30 for absences -10 Food, drinks, cell phones, lap tops blue tooth’s Midterm Multiple choice Final Week 9 Must have 750 score on HESI There will be offered two attempts
1-11 Course Outline LVN vs RN Stress and time management Nursing process Patient teaching Therapeutic communication Ethical and legal issues History and trends
1-12 What about this LVN to RN Thing? LVN to RN Nursing School Learning Standards of Clinical Practice
1-13 Vocation vs Profession Definitions of 'vocation' (vō-kāshən) - 2 definitions - The American Heritage® Dictionary vocation (n.) A regular occupation, especially one for which a person is particularly suited or qualified. vocation (n.) An inclination, as if in response to a summons, to undertake a certain kind of work, especially a religious career; a calling. Definitions of 'profession' (prə-fĕshən) - 4 definitions - The American Heritage® Dictionary profession (n.) An occupation or career: “One of the highest compliments a child can pay a parent is to choose his or her profession” (Joan Nathan) profession (n.) An act or instance of professing; a declaration. profession (n.) An avowal of faith or belief.
1-14 Vocation vs Profession VN RN (largest healthcare profession) 1 yr2yrs to 5yrs (degree or diploma) Under direction of RNs & MDsNot necessarily Basic/Skilled care Treating, education, advice, support IVs, Care Planning and decision-making Independent vs Responsibility 726,000 jobs (2004)2.4 million jobs (2004) $30,400 – 41,550$48,220 – 63,170 Source: US Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2005
1-15 Vocation vs Profession Source: Harrington, N & Terry, C, (2003). LPN to RN Transitions: Achieving success in your new role, p Nursing ProcessVNRN Assessment Gathers data, performs patient assessment identifies patient strengths Gathers more extensive biopsychosocial data, groups and analyzes data, identifies client recourses,
1-16 Vocation vs Profession Source: Harrington, N & Terry, C, (2003). LPN to RN Transitions: Achieving success in your new role, p Nursing ProcessVNRN Nursing DiagnosisNot applicable Draws conclusions, uses judgment, makes diagnosis Planning Contributes to the development of care plans Sets short-term and long-term client goals, establishes priorities, collaborates and refers
1-17 Vocation vs Profession Source: Harrington, N & Terry, C, (2003). LPN to RN Transitions: Achieving success in your new role, p Nursing ProcessVNRN Implementation Provides basic therapeutic and preventive nursing measures, provides client teaching, records client information Manages client care, (performs and delegates), provides client and family teaching, provides referrals, records and exchanges client information with the health team
1-18 Vocation vs Profession Source: Harrington, N & Terry, C, (2003). LPN to RN Transitions: Achieving success in your new role, p Nursing ProcessVNRN Evaluation Evaluates effects of care given Evaluates effectiveness of overall plan; analyzes new data, modifies, redesigns plan, collaborates with other health team members
1-19 Core components of Nursing School Professional behaviors Communication Assessment Clinical decision-making
1-20 Core components of Nursing School Caring interventions Teaching and learning Collaboration Managing care
1-21 Learning Domains Cognitive Affective Psychomotor
1-22 Assignments Reading: Check reading assignment in syllabus Check reading assignment in syllabus Next Week: Stress and time management