Counselling Skills Level Three Week 13 Identity in Counselling. The Research Assignment
You will be invited to: Check in with yourself and the group Share shoeboxes if you haven’t already. Plan the session, including feedback for unit two’s. Watch and discuss a DVD in which the client explores her identity Talk about your identity with another member of the group. Begin to think about and plan your research assignment. Homework: identify research ideas, sources, methods etc. ready for a workshop in week 19
Check-in Take a few minutes to check in with yourself. How is your mind How is your body How is your spirit
Sharing in small groups… You may wish to share some of your thoughts and/or feelings with others in the group Or, you may wish just to listen Focus on the person checking in.
Shoeboxes If you didn’t have an opportunity to share your shoebox last week, then you may wish to do so now.
Identity in Counselling (unit 4) Watch and discuss the DVD. You may wish to reflect on: The issues The quality of the listening The self-concept
Identity and the person-centred approach (key themes for the unit 4 assessment) Working with difference and diversity Prejudice, discrimination and oppression Power in the counselling relationship Counsellor/listener self awareness (cultural, age, sexuality, gender, ability/disability...) Person-centred counselling theory – the self concept, self awareness, stages of process... Rogers and identity
Introduction to unit three: topics and themes in counselling - understanding the client The Assignment: In consultation with your tutor, draw up a plan for an independent research project. Carry out your research project and write up your findings in a report. Refer to the assignment cover sheet for more details.
Research Assignment You need to: Write a plan Choose a topic and title Identify your aim or hypothesis Consider an appropriate range of sources Describe your research methodology (literature search, case study, quantitative, qualitative) Keep all research notes, action plans etc. for submission. Refer to the unit three assignment specification
Choose a topic! Think about something which you would like to research. It needs to be something which relates to counselling. Previous subject areas have included… Bereavement counselling in palliative care Approaches for working with clients with anorexia Help available for bereaved children in the Blackpool and Fylde area Identity and adoption issues – counselling theory Evaluating support given to carers of young people (focus on a particular service)
Choose a topic! Availability of counselling in the deaf community Mindfulness Creative writing for PD and therapy The use of Expressive Arts in Person-centred Therapy Mental health – a taboo subject Samaritans training and practise – are they person- centred? Availability of counselling for people with learning difficulties N.B. These are just examples – you should find your own!
Research Project -Key Dates 23 rd March Introduction – think about possible areas of research 30 th March – Discuss ideas with the group. Develop plan, identify a hypothesis, consider research methodology (quantitative, qualitative, case study, literature search, questionnaires. Agree research plan with the tutor. 4 th – 11th May Hand in draft and book feedback tutorial 25 th May – Drop-in Workshop 31 st May Hand in final copy.
Write a plan. Your plan should include key dates in your research journey Take into account key dates and deadlines (e.g. when does it need to be completed, when can you hand in a draft) Sequencing – the order and timing of specific tasks. Writing a plan should help you to organise your work and complete your research on time.
Identify a title and Hypothesis A title describes the main topic to be researched. A hypothesis is a statement relating to that topic which you will then aim to (or begin to) prove or disprove Example of a title: Person-centred Counselling Skills and the Samaritans. Example of a hypothesis The Befriending service offered by the Samaritans is largely person-centred.
Methodology How are you going to find the information you need? You may use more than one methodology. Examples include: Literature search – reading books, journals, articles on the internet. Written Questionnaire – inviting relevant people to answer key questions. Interview – with individuals or groups Case Study – focussing on one example e.g. counselling offered at Lancaster and Morecambe College
Keep it Simple You will need to write a 2000 word report. Not a book! You have a limited period of time in which to complete the work – some more limited than others. Be realistic and kind to yourself Important: do not start your research before agreeing your topic, plan, hypothesis and methodology with the tutor.
Next Week Agreeing research plans Researching! Writing Questionnaire What needs to go in the report.