A Brief Preview of Things to Come
PQAPA Program Quality Assurance Process Audit –2008/09 –Academic and Operational –Fall 2007 Launch –18 months to 2 year –Self Assessment –Reports –Audit – site visit with program spot checks
Orientation – On the Road to Success Academic Preparation and Orientation Sept 4 – 7 –Common sessions re: student success –Introductory classes with professors –Social orientation Mandatory for all students Address 15 weeks, Monday start Course outlines and Learning Plans introduced
Program Reviews Official – every 5 years Departmental –Mapping – baseline data –Internal update yearly –Program Quality Assurance & Enhancement Cultural integration
Course Outline Policy Communicating expectations to learners Providing a common perspective for those teaching the course Facilitating processes relating to PLA, advanced standing, articulation, placement, transfer of credit, appeals, accreditation, and quality assurance Planning course and program resources Scheduling Coordinating student assessments Specifying the relationship of course outcomes to standards.
Course Outline Policy Employ standard outline format Uniform procedures for creation, approval, maintenance, storage, retrieval and distribution Professor – design, revision, updating, individualizing instruction One master course outline, outcomes based Review with students enrolled in course Students will be able to access past course outlines as long as they retain their MoCoMotion account
Course Outlines on MoCoMotion Pilot Project – Winter 2007 –On-line Course Outline Repository using Banner –Based on Mapping format –Testing & Moving Forward Course Outline Steering Committee Policies & Procedures Approvals
Course Outlines for 2007/08 Standard Outlines for all courses Course “ownership” Texts / Assessments common for clusters FRED Program numbers Access to MoCoMotion Course Outlines
On-Line Demo
The Learning Plan
“New” Course Outlines Outcome based (3-5 outcomes) One outline per course to be used by all faculty “Built to last” versus yearly revisions Linked to standards
Course Outlines to Learning Plan Faculty concerns re: “new” outlines –students – need to know weekly expectations –new faculty/PT faculty - need to know what to teach
Learning Plan Developed to provide students with: –Faculty contact information –Weekly learning activities re: content, homework, readings, assignments –The ability to plan their schedules accordingly, No more “But, I didn’t know there was an assignment” excuses. Well, theoretically!
Learning Plan Developed during May/June to: Allow full-time faculty to have “ownership” of courses in the POS, Provide new and/or part-time faculty with a learning plan developed by a more experienced faculty member who understands the broad scope of the POS.
Learning Plan May/June development 2007/08 – release to students Align with course learning outcomes Faculty collaboration: –By course –Within POS Approvals? 2008/09 – on-line database
Learning Plan Faculty coordination weekly by semester –Student workload –Assignment timing –Integration of learning –Collaborative assessments Core courses Service (support) courses
Learning Plan 1.0 LEARNING PLAN INFORMATION Course Name Course Code Course Section(s)Could be multiple Program Code and Name Learning Plan NameCourse Name – Program Name - Faculty Name Learning Plan CodePgm # - Course # - Section - Semester Instructional TypeClassroom, Computer Lab, Lab, Online Development School Department Academic Year 2.0 FACULTY CONTACT INFORMATION Faculty NameCampus/OfficePhoneExt Address
Insert course level learning outcomes as detailed on the course outline. 3.0 LEARNING OUTCOMES Upon successful completion of the course, the student will reliably demonstrate the ability to: LO01 Produce accurate and professionally formatted selected civil litigation documents for the initial stages of legal proceedings. LO02Produce accurate and professionally formatted Motion Records. LO03 Produce accurate and professionally formatted documentation relating to tort and accident benefits claims in motor vehicle accident litigation files. LO04 Produce accurate and professionally formatted documentation relating to civil and criminal law proceedings covered under the Ontario Legal Aid system.
Wk Date/ Time/ Room Activity Type Activity Details Resource Bank Assoc LO 1 Sept 4 – 7 Various ORIENTATION AND STUDENT SUCCESS INITIATIVES semesterstart.mohawkcollege.ca 2 Tue Sept. 9 10a-12n Rm A108 LectureIntro to Litigation and the Ontario Court System Compare and contrast civil and criminal law Discuss contracts and torts Interpret Courts of Justice Act Litigation Today p LO01 ReadingPages Legal Administration Workbook AssignmentLegal Simulation Due: Tue Sept 16 – 10a LEARNING ACTIVITIES Detail week-by-week (or module) basis exactly what is expected of students, including due dates.
1.ASSESSMENT Assessment MethodWeight Associated Outcome(s) Test 1 – T/F, Multiple Choice10%LO01, LO02 Test 2 – T/F, Multiple Choice10%LO03 Legal Brief Assignment40%LO04 Simulations40%LO04 TOTAL100% Insert Assessments with more specific detail than is in course outline.
Course Specific Policy 6.0 COURSE SPECIFIC POLICIES
Learning Plan Ideally, the Learning Plan is developed: –in conjunction with the course outline, and –in collaboration with other faculty teaching the same courses. Once completed, learning plans can be reviewed departmentally to help manage students’ work flow/work load through the semester.
Week / Date / Course / Assignments / 03 9/ 10 9/ 17 9/ 24 10/ 01 10/ 08 10/ 15 10/ 22 10/ 29 11/ 05 11/ 12 11/ 19 11/ / 10 ORIENTATIONORIENTATION LL126 Communications M M M M CB172 Human Relations M M M KEYB10000 Computer Skills TU OA116 Document Processing TU OADM10000 Professionalism F F F OADM10005 Administrative Skills W W W