Using the Biomedical Library and its Resources Public Health & Epidemiology PHE 131 Winter 2011 Becoming Efficient Information Managers
Assignment will be due January 14, 2011 Submit via to Beverly Rossini, MLIS Information Resources Librarian Outreach Librarian Contact Information: Phone: (251) Fax: (251)
University of South Alabama: Biomedical Library Sites Primarily supports the academic health sciences (College of Medicine, College of Nursing & Allied Health). Baugh Biomedical Library Campus Site
University of South Alabama: Biomedical Library Sites University Medical Center site Primarily supports the clinical medicine specialties-collection concentrates on patient care and treatment. Also houses a Consumer Health Resource Center.
University of South Alabama: Biomedical Library Sites Children’s and Women’s Hospital site Primarily supports obstetrics, gynecology, and pediatrics – which is reflected by the library’s collection.
Learning Objectives Students retrieve library holdings in print and electronic formats. Students apply limits to search tools and narrow results. Students distinguish between keyword searching and searching with a controlled vocabulary. Students define Evidence Based Medicine and classify the five levels of evidence. Students select the appropriate tool to locate a systematic review. Students use a point of care tool and link to evidence in order to verify a diagnosis or treatment plan. Students explore freely accessible vetted tools on the World Wide Web.
USA – College of Medicine Learning Objectives Prior to graduation from medical school, students will have demonstrated to the satisfaction of the faculty the following: Skills (the ability to) 15. acquire and manage the information physicians need in order to carry out their various responsibilities and to acquire, evaluate, and utilize information contained in the medical literature.
Resources to Know 1.SouthCAT 2.Journal Search 3.PubMed 4.Cochrane Library 5.Dynamed 6.Stat!Ref/ ACP PIER 7.National Guideline Clearinghouse 8.Google (vetted resources - CDC)
Keeping Current: The Challenges Keeping up-to-date with the newest advancements in medical research and treatments. In a set of journals pertinent to primary care physicians in 2002: 7,287 articles are published monthly. A physician trained in epidemiology would take an estimated hours per month to evaluate articles pertinent to his practice. 1 1 Alper BS,, Hand JA, and Elliott SG. "How much effort is needed to keep up with the literature relevant for primary care?." Journal Medical o the Library Association (2004):
Keeping Current: The Challenges Information available through multiple sources in numerous formats. –In biomedical research, the amount of experimental data and published scientific information is “overwhelming and ever increasing, which may inhibit rather than stimulate scientific progress.” 2 2 Weeber M, Kors JA, Mons B. Online tools to support literature-based discovery in the life sciences.” Briefings in Bioinformatics September; 6 (3): 277.
Lifelong Learning Evidence-Based Medicine (EBM/EBP) Combining clinical skills with evidence found in the best, most current research. Better informed general public 8 in 10 Internet users go online to look up health related information. 1 Among Internet users who say their last health related search had an impact, 54% say the information led them to ask their doctors new questions or get a second opinion from another doctor. 1 1 Online health search Pew Internet & American Life Project. Available online at
Evidence Based Medicine (EBM) “Evidence-based medicine (EBM) is the conscientious, explicit, and judicious use of current best evidence in making decisions about the care of individual patients. The practice of evidence-based medicine means integrating individual clinical expertise with the best available external clinical evidence from systematic research.” 2 Short definition: “the integration of best research evidence with clinical expertise and patient values.” 3 2 Sackett DL, Rosenberg WMC, Gray JAM, Haynes RB, Richardson WS. Evidence-based medicine: what it is and what it isn't. BMJ 1996; 312: Sackett, DL. Evidence-based medicine: how to practice and teach EBM. New York: Churchill-Livingston, 2000.
Evidence Based Medicine (EBM) Research Evidence Since EBM’s focus is on patient-oriented, outcomes-based research (as opposed to expert led medicine), the medical literature is searched and evaluated to determine what data is available to address the questions arising in clinical practice.
Electronic Health Record - Computer system Clinical Evidence, PIER, Dynamed, UpToDate ACP Journal Club, Cochrane Library PubMED Clinical Queries, guidelines Original Studies Levels of Evidence Hierarchy
Class Assignment Posted
Public Health & Epidemiology Library Assignment
Assignment will be due January 14, 2011 by 5 PM. Submit via to There are ten questions to answer for 31 possible points. I will simply grade # correct out of 31. Your instructor will assign a weight to the assignment.