ED 417 PowerPoint Assignment Grade: 4 Social Studies
Dr. Ronald G. Helms 22 May 2000OHIO Brian Dixon Rob LeGault
Introduction Goal and Objective: The goal and objective of this presentation is to examine sample activities in the six strands. Particular emphasis will be given to Ohio, its past, its people, and its institutions.
American Heritage
Five Web Pages 1. The Ohio Historical Society explores Ohio's history and archaeology Here you will find original newspapers, maps and writings from 18th Century America This site has a brief history and map of the Crabill Homestead
American Heritage Five Web Pages Cont historic.htm Here you will find Historical Sites in Southwest Ohio This site covers the heritage of southwestern Clark County, Ohio.
American Heritage Activities 1. Read the book Aurora Means Dawn. This book describes early settlement of Ohio. 2. A biography study. Students read a biography then dress up as character for class presentation. 3. Timelines. Students will make a timeline of their local town or village, identifying important people and events.
American Heritage Activities Cont. 4. Invite a guest speaker from the community (historian, elder or political leader) to speak to students about Ohio heritage. 5. Take a field trip to visit the Crabhill house, an early Ohio frontier house in Clark County.
People in Societies
Five Web Pages 1. Site dealing with Native Americans. Features include Native maps, stories by Native authors, and examples of Native art This site summarizes Early Ohio Settlers.
People in Societies Five Web Pages Cont This site details the Shawnee Indians of Clark County At this site you can find out about people that moved to Ohio from other countries This site gives a brief history of German and Irish American families in Ohio.
People in Societies Activities 1. Students will use a map of Ohio to indicate where various cultural and ethnic groups have settled. 2. Have students take part in a cultural fair. Students will each make a dish from one of Ohio’s distinct ethnic/cultural groups 3. Study the five main native Indian tribes of Ohio. Have students roll-play and make a living as a native society.
People in Societies Activities Cont. 4. Visit Sunwatch Indian Village. Students will examine the contributions of these early people 5. Invite a recent immigrant to come to your classroom. Have the person speak about their society and why they came to Ohio
World Interactions
Five Web Pages 1. This site helps you trace back your family history Here you can find your city’s sister city This site gives a list of Ohio’s export countries and goods produced for export.
World Interactions Five Web Pages Cont Learn about Ohio trade through the Northeast Ohio Trade and Economic Consortium This web site created by the Library of Congress gives detailed information on Country Studies.
World Interactions Activities 1. Have students become pen-pals with students with a sistering city. 2. Maps. Give students a map of the county. Have students locate landforms, populations and towns/cities. Have students compare/contrast the area with other nations in the world. 3. Trace family roots. Have students trace ancestry, when they came to Ohio, where they came from and why.
World Interactions Activities Cont. 4. Trade simulation. Have students roll-play as a company trading goods and services with foreign companies. The simulation will use real countries that do business with Ohio. 5. Country Study. Have students locate a country that is comparable to Ohio’s (1) size, (2) population and (3) resources.
Decision Making & Resources
Five Web Pages 1. This site gives information on Springfield/Clark County Economics TS.html Taking Stock is a multi-grade project focusing on the stock market.
Decision Making & Resources Five Web Pages Cont Here students can calculate the cost of living This web site converts monetary units This site gives students a look into the federal reserve board. Explores taxes, supply/demand, etc.
Decision Making & Resources Activities 1. Students will become members of the adult society. They can choose to marry, buy a car and/or house, raise children while maintaining a salary position. 2. Students will help a local non-profit organization by conducting a bake sale. Students will learn the importance of supply and demand and also general expenses.
Decision Making & Resources Activities Cont. 3. Students will collect and organize data pertaining to resources needed to produce a good or service (ie. land, labor, capital). 4. Allow students to experiment with a production line. Have students work independently making a good (toy for Christmas Bizarre or pizza for bake sale), then introduce the production line. Students will use problem solving skills to fix glitches and mishaps.
Decision Making & Resources Activities Cont. 5. Visit a local company that uses a production process and deals with supply v. demand. Have spokesperson explain the importance of land, labor, capital and entrepreneurship.
Democratic Processes
Five Web Pages 1. This site provides insight into the branches of government fm Here you will find Ohio’s constitution.
Democratic Processes Five Web Pages Cont This site contains information aboutOhio’s Legislative Branch 4. This site details Ohio’s Supreme Court 5. Here you will find information about Ohio’s Elected Officials
Democratic Processes Activities 1. Have students write a constitution and bill of rights for the classroom. 2. Visit the County/State Courthouse and experience the democratic processes first hand. 3. Conduct a general election in the classroom. Elect a senator, representative and judge from each cluster to participate in and plan the month’s classroom functions.
Democratic Processes Activities Cont. 4. Conduct a classroom trial. The case will be the three little pigs v. the Big Bad Wolf. Each student will have a character in the case. 5. Invite a local government official to the classroom to talk about the purpose of a state government.
Citizenship Rights & Responsibilities
Five Web Pages 1. This web site has many links to the local community of Springfield At this site you will find your state senators, complete with address for sending your view This site allows student to take part in citizenship by voting.
Citizenship Rights & Responsibilities Five Web Pages Cont Here students will be able to learn, share and explore current government issues This is a great site for students who are wanting participate in local government.
Citizenship Rights & Responsibilities Activities 1. Read an article about a current issue facing local and state governments from two opposing viewpoints. Have students make a distinction between fact and opinion. 2. Take students on a field trip to a local city hall town meeting. This will allow students to see issue that face the local community.
Citizenship Rights & Responsibilities Activities Cont. 3. Conduct a class discussion of the issue and obtain various viewpoints. 4. Have students act as mediators and suggest a solution for the issue. 5. Allow students to write there local state official about the issue. Students will give their stance on the issue and also purpose a solution.
Conclusion This technology project will enhance the quality of social studies learning in my classroom while maintaining flexibility. Students will participate in hands on teaching inquiry and have fun in social studies.