Why Early Childhood Intervention? brain research on the first five years of a child’s life, has documented the tremendous influence of early experiences upon a child’s cognitive development. The brain's architecture is built over a succession of "sensitive periods," each of which involves the formation of specific circuits associated with particular abilities
a strong foundation in a child's early years helps promote lifelong achievement and positive behavior, early mastery of a range of cognitive and social competencies improves the ability of children to learn at later ages. An investigation of neurobiology, behavioral an social sciences conclude that the first five year period of life provides a foundation that will support a child all the way into adulthood
Early experiences effect the development of the brain and lay the foundation for intelligence, emotional health, and moral development Healthy early development depends on nurturing and dependable relationships How young children feel is as important as how they think, particularly with regards to school readiness.
Early Intervention Programs Home Base ECFE High Scope/Perry Preschool Chicago CPC
ECFE Early Childhood Family Education (ECFE) is a voluntary public school program for all Minnesota families with children between the ages of birth and kindergarten. The mission of ECFE is to strengthen families through the education and support of all parents in providing the best possible environment for the healthy growth and development of their children. During the school year more than 280,000 young children and their parents participated. Funded by more than $35 million in state and local funds, ECFE is the nation's largest and oldest program of its kind.
High Scope/Perry Preschool The High/Scope Perry Preschool Project began in 1962 High/Scope Perry Preschool Project developed a high-quality educational approach focusing on 3- and 4-year-olds at risk for school failure. The High/Scope Perry Preschool Project's high- quality educational approach is based on an active learning model that emphasizes participants' intellectual and social development. Children attended the preschool Monday through Friday for 2.5 hours per day
staff-to-child ratio of one adult for every five or six children teachers visited each child's family in their home for 1.5 hours each week parents participated in monthly small group meetings with other parents, facilitated by program staff.
Program Benefits significantly lower rate of crime and delinquency lower incidence of teenage pregnancy and welfare dependency. higher rates of prosocial behavior, academic achievement, employment, income, family stability
Chicago CPC The Child-Parent Center (CPC) Program is a center-based early intervention that provides comprehensive educational and family- support services to economically disadvantaged children from preschool to early elementary school. The CPC program was established in 1967 through funding from Title I of the landmark Elementary and Secondary Education Act of It is the second oldest (after Head Start) federally funded preschool program in the U. S. and is the oldest extended early childhood intervention. Initially implemented in four sites and later expanded to 25, the program is designed to serve families in high-poverty neighborhoods that are being served by other early childhood programs. The overall goal of the program is to promote children's academic success and to facilitate parent involvement in children's education
The centers provide services in preschool (ages 3 or 4) and/or kindergarten early intervention, parent involvement, a structured language-based instructional model, and program continuity between the preschool and early school-age years.
Each center tailors instructional activities to the needs of participating children and parents. parenting classes, the CPC program offers high school equivalency classes, career development skills workshops, and other professional training. ;
Program Benefits higher educational attainment, lower rates of serious crime and incarceration, lower rates of depressive symptoms
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