Goal Setting Worksheet Each year you are asked to identify the following goals: 1.Where do you see yourself professionally in 10 years (about 5 years after graduation)? 2.Where do you see yourself personally in 10 years? 3.List an academic goal for this academic year? 4.Identify an extracurricular goal that will apply your knowledge and skills learned so far? SMART Goal Setting: When writing a goal, consider the following questions and make sure you can answer them. Include the answers as part of your goal. Pamela L. Stamm Pharm.D, BCPS, BCACP, CDE Associate Professor of Pharmacy Practice, Harrison School of Pharmacy, Auburn University, Auburn, AL The HSOP portfolio was initiated in Fall Each fall, students are asked to establish specific goals. Faculty feedback identified several limitations to the approach at that time. The quality of goals varied and often seemed superficial. Goals were not always measurable. Goals did not include a specific plan for achievement. Students did not consistently consider potential barriers to achievement. To address limitations, an orientation to goal writing was added to Foundations of Pharmacy, an orientation course held over the first week of school for first professional year pharmacy students. To enhance students’ ability to write goals To enhance student learning through establishing their own professional, personal, academic, and extracurricular goals To increase likelihood of goal achievement To enhance students’ ability to write goals To enhance student learning through establishing their own professional, personal, academic, and extracurricular goals To increase likelihood of goal achievement Setting Annual SMART Goals: An ePortfolio Assignment to Enhance Learning Setting Annual SMART Goals: An ePortfolio Assignment to Enhance Learning Disclosure The author of this presentation has nothing to disclose concerning possible financial or personal relationships with commercial entities that may have a direct or indirect interest in the subject matter of this presentation: Portfolio Assignment Objectives References Reed VA, Schefferdecker KE, and Turco MG. Motivating Learning and Assessing Outcomes in Continuing Medical Education Using a Personal Learning Plan. J Cont Ed Health Prof. 2012; 32(4): Locke E. Toward a theory of task motivation and incentives. Organizational Behavior and Human Performance. 1968; 3(2): e Anonymous. Locke's Goal-Setting Theory Setting Meaningful, Challenging Goals. Mindtools. Accessed January 15, References Reed VA, Schefferdecker KE, and Turco MG. Motivating Learning and Assessing Outcomes in Continuing Medical Education Using a Personal Learning Plan. J Cont Ed Health Prof. 2012; 32(4): Locke E. Toward a theory of task motivation and incentives. Organizational Behavior and Human Performance. 1968; 3(2): e Anonymous. Locke's Goal-Setting Theory Setting Meaningful, Challenging Goals. Mindtools. Accessed January 15, Background Orientation Worksheet 1. Clarity 2. Challenge 3. Commitment 4. Feedback 5. Task Complexity Orientation Process S pecific Clarity M easurable Clarity A chievable, A greed Commitment R ealistic, R elevant Commitment T ime based Clarity The teaching objectives of the 45 minute orientation session where as follows: Compare and contrast different types of portfolios Introduce students to the HSOP’s developmental portfolio program Orient and practice writing goals that followed SMART principles The performance objectives of the orientation were as follows: Classify components of a written goal according to SMART principles Recognize missing SMART principles of a written goal Complete the Long and Short Term goals assignment by writing goals that meet SMART principles Orientation Activities: Review example goals and identify SMART portions Edit goals to improve adherence to SMART principles Practice writing one SMART goal using worksheet Example Extracurricular Goal: NOT SMART One extracurricular goal I have for next semester is to get a part- time internship at a retail pharmacy. If that doesn’t happen, I plan to participate in as many health fairs as I can to gain experience counseling patients. Example Extracurricular Goal: SMART I plan to volunteer at Diabetes Screening Table at Syrup Sop Health Fair in October 2013 to practice using glucose meters and to educate patients about diabetes and their glucose levels. I will volunteer for one day at The Sportsplex to educate patients about Medicare Part D programs as well as help patients enroll in the program. Locke and Latham identified Five Principles of Goal Setting that were linked to increased achievement. The SMART goal method was selected as its principles connect directly with Clarity, Commitment, and Task Complexity and indirectly with Feedback as shown in the table to the right. Allowing students to create their own goals gives them responsibility for their learning and increases commitment. By identifying goals that are achievable, students should have a strong sense of self efficacy, increasing the likelihood they will achieve the goals. Measurable goals increase the ability to assess progress and obtain feedback. By including this assignment as part of a mentored portfolio program, students should receive feedback. Thus, by combining the SMART goal process with a mentored portfolio program, all five principles of goal setting are met.