The Sinfonia Educational Foundation Positioning itself for the future
A Changed Organization New Mission New Programs New Ideas New People New Name
A New Mission Mission was changed to align it more closely with the Fraternity’s Object The mission of the Sinfonia Educational Foundation is to enrich the lives of collegiate Sinfonians and to advance music in America by supporting scholarship, education, and the development of leadership and noble ideals among future generations of musicians and supporters of music in America.
A New Mission This mission is fulfilled through: a.The solicitation and proper stewardship of tangible and intangible gifts acquired through annual and planned giving and capital campaigns in support of qualifying programs. b.Scholarships for collegiate students to recognize and encourage academic achievement. c.Grants and awards to individuals and chapters in support of projects that further the educational goals of Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia. d.Sponsorship of educational and leadership development programs.
New Programs Travel assistance grants for Leadership Conclave attendees Support of the Fraternity’s alcohol awareness program Expansion scholarship
New Ideas Revamped Finance and Investment strategies to better utilize and grow existing funds –Current endowment value $183, (+4%) Alignment with the Fraternity’s developing alumni program Ongoing revisions to the infrastructure of the organization to ensure its long-term health
New People New Trustees since 1/1/2004 –Jeff Spoeri, President COS Chair, Former PG 5, 13, 2, Executive Director of the Brevard Community College Foundation –Chris Donze, Vice President President of Ludwig Music Publishing Company –David Klingshirn Founder of the Classical Music Hall of Fame –Col. John Bourgeois Former conductor of the “President’s Own” Marine Band and widely demanded clinician
New People Other Trustees –Patrick Madden, Treasurer Former Foundation President, Director of External Affairs for ArtsPresenters in Washington DC NEC Representatives –Rich Crosby, National President –John Mongiovi, Committeeman-at-Large –Derek Danilson, Committeeman-at-Large
New Name Another way to communicate the refocusing of the organization and inspire support. Clearly defines it as one of the two “legal” types of fraternity foundations (educational vs charitable)
Next Steps for the SEF Purchase development software in order to streamline and improve the fundraising capability of the organization Look for additional opportunities to support the programs and services of the Fraternity Hire a Director of Development within the next year
What can you do? THE SIMPLE SECRET OF FUNDRAISING " Successful fundraising is the right person asking the right prospect for the right amount of funding to help the right project at the right time in the right way."
What can you do? The success of this year’s appeal will determine whether or not the SEF can move forward with its goals –583 donations totaling $27, Volunteer participation is critical to the success of any fundraising effort –By showing your support you are saying to the world that this is a good cause and that they should support it too –Volunteer stats to date
Volunteer Participation* 3/8 of the Foundation Board of Trustees have made a contribution (37%) 3/7 of the NEC (43%) 9/46 Committee members (19%) –80% of Alumni Affairs Committee 5/35 PGs (14%) 1/13 DPGs (8%) 3/266 Faculty Advisors (1%) 1/16 PACs (6%) 48/76 CPR/ACPR (63%) 13/425 Volunteers have contributed (3%) *As of 29 Jan, 2004
What can you do? Consider a province fundraiser –Benefit concerts often do not have significant upfront costs and can raise money for good causes Remind chapters that supporting the SEF is part of the Special Projects Citation Talk about the SEF with your alumni
Summary Numerous changes to the Sinfonia Foundation has transformed it into a new and vibrant organization Support of the volunteer leadership is critical to the future success of the organization Talk it up – educate collegiate and alumni Questions????