Voting & Presidential Election Procedures
At least 18 Resident of the state Citizen of the US Can’t be in prison or be an ex-convict Register at least a month before the election Get a registration form from the Board of Elections or license office Decide who you will vote for, based on the issues, after campaigning is over Go to the polling place to cast your ballot on Election Day – Bring ID Cast your ballot & get a sticker!
Online, 314 – 315, & 296 – What does the sample ballot for Duplin County look like? What are potential problems with the ballot? 2.What about the college you want to attend? What does their ballot look like? 3.What kind of machines are used at polling places in the US? 4.What kind of machine does Duplin County use? (Don’t just use the name – describe it) 5.What are the pros & cons of each machine? 6.What if I am out of the state, county, or country when it is election time? 7.What role does the media play in the voting process? 8.What role SHOULD the media play in the voting process?
Be a US citizen & live in the US for 14 years Be at least 35 Declares intentions to run Campaigns & Fundraises Participates in his/her party’s primary Get the most primary votes & be declared the winner at the national convention Compete against the other party’s winner Constituents vote & electoral votes are counted Whoever wins becomes PRESIDENT!
302 – 303 & 305 – How do they raise money? 2.What do they do when they are campaigning?