Political Parties Objective: Demonstrate understanding of types of political parties, functions of political parties, and trends affecting political parties today
Why do we need Political Parties? QUESTION: What examples can you think of for each function? Nominate candidates & develop leaders “Power Broker” - large parties achieve compromise among factions Vital link between citizens and government –make will of people known –inform people about gov. actions Develop broad policies
Functions (continued) Ensure character & qualifications of candidates Inspire and mobilize public “Watchdog” –hold gov. accountable –criticize party in power Facilitator between branches of gov.
Minor Parties: Various Types QUESTION: What examples can you think of? Ideological Parties –comprehensive view of social, political, economic matters; principles more important than votes Single-Issue Parties: focus on one policy issue Economic Protest Parties: often regional; focus on economic conditions; disappear as economy improves Factional or Splinter Parties: split from major party; often formed around strong personality and fade when leader steps aside
Functions of Minor Parties QUESTION: What current examples can you think of? Critic & Watchdog Innovator –Introduce & support new ideas –take stand on controversial issues “Spoiler” role - pull votes away from a major party
Why do we have a Two-Party System? Single-Member Districts: –“Winner Takes All” –compare to proportional / multiple member districts give incentive to minor parties –Electoral College extreme example Plurality System: the person with most votes wins (majority not necessary) –majoritarian systems: greater incentive for small parties / can form coalitions in run-off Which system do you prefer?
Political Party Trends Critical Realignments / Critical Elections Theory: –lasting shift in parties’ support bases –voters change patterns of party loyalty Why would some say the 1980s was one? Evidence Against: –Congress was still controlled by Democrats –Democrats were still strong in state & local Realignment in South? –1952: 1/3 “strong Democrats” to 1/7 in 1984 –Voted Dem more often --> split today b/w Dems and Repubs
Why has party strength declined? Old days before secret ballot: * Political Machines (Tammany Hall) * 90% turnout in 1896! Party control of nominations weakened * Primaries replaced state conventions * Voters decide, not party heads * = less loyalty by candidates Compare to party discipline in Europe Candidates can get $ from special interests Use of Media & Internet * Get message out * Raise money
What are some indicators of declining party strength? Ticket splitting Party identification down; Independents up Low turnout
Are parties making a comeback? Do we even need Political Parties? Parties using internet: organize members / appeal to voters State and local party leaders are soliciting candidates Congressional voting has become more partisan Why do you think there is more partisanship in Congress if voters are less partisan? Partisanship on the Rise? Congressman Joe Wilson calls President Obama a liar
How Might you Explain the Trends in Voter Identification? Democrats down / Independents up / Republicans constant Democrats down: –New Deal Coalition disappearing –Southerners leaving Dem’s after Civil Rights movement and activism of 60s and 70s –Dems shift delegates from South to N and W –Decline of party machines –Leaders and activists more liberal –Decline of labor unions
Independents Up: –Increased cynicism –Less trust in Gov. (Vietnam, Watergate, Iran Contra, 2000 elections, Iraq) –Popular Minor Party Candidates (Perot, Nader) –Other ideas? Republicans Constant: –Policies closer to mainstream –Platform remained more constant? –Other ideas?