A Twisted Fairy Tale You are going to create a mini script based on a twisted fairy tale …. Just like “Shrek”... But before you do, let’s look at how a script need to be set out …. S1 English March 2012
How to set your script out: Set in a hotel corridor, the audience can see a row of doors, numbers 11, 12 are visible as well as the door with no number. All four children (cold and in their pyjamas with no shoes or socks on) are just leaving the bathroom at one end of the corridor when Old Hepworth arrives at the other end of the corridor. Hepworth: And what, may I ask, is going on here? Fliss: (looking at the others in shock)…. Hepworth: (raises voice a little) Well? Gary: Err… (Pauses and looks at the others with his mouth open but no sound is coming out.) Sir… We… Hepworth:Well? (Folds arms in annoyance) Fliss:(Timidly) We were checking on Ellie- May Sir… Hepworth: On the top corridor? Begin with a description of where your scene is set. Imagine if you had to describe what the stage looked like Place the name of each character at the left of the page (in the margin if you want) so we know who is talking. Add actions and emotions in brackets, remember, YOU are the director and you must tell your actors how to move and act on stage. Make your speech sound realistic. For example, use ellipsis for pauses.