The Good News Chapter 10
What are the characteristics of good news? The announcement of: The birth of a child An engagement A blessing from God
The gospel of life is at the heart of Jesus’ message and is to be preached as good news to all people. Jesus came to bring life– eternal life in communion with the Holy Trinity It is this eternal life that human life achieves full significance.
Terms to Know Sabbath– the seventh day of the week in the Jewish calendar. New Testament – the second part of the Bible. It is about the story of Jesus, his followers and the early church Church—is the community of all baptized people who believe in God and follow Jesus.
The Gospels Mark Luke Matthew John
The Gospel according to Mark Written 1 st before 72 AD Begins with the ministry of John the Baptist Written by John Mark, a companion of Paul and Peter
The Gospel according to Matthew Written after 72 AD Written for Jewish Christians Begins with the ancestry of Jesus Contains many parables and stories of healing
The Gospel according to Luke Written after 72AD Written for non Jews who became Christians His gospel begins with the announcement of Jesus’ birth More than half of this gospel is not found in any of the other three.
The Gospel according to John Written at nearly the end of the 1 st century. The last of the gospels to be written. Wrote for those Christians who lived in Asia Minor. The gospel begins before the creation of the world. It is a reflection on the meaning of Jesus.
Images of The Church Assembly the Church is an assembly or convocation the Church is universal—world wide
Images of The Church The Church is Sacrament the Church is the sacrament of salvation the Church proclaims and lives the gospels in the world the Church is a sign and an instrument of the communion of God the Church is a visible sign of God’s love in the world.
Images of The Church The Church is the Body of Christ Christ is the head of the Church. Through the Holy Spirit and the sacraments Christ establishes the community of believers as his Body. As the Body of the Church we continue the work of Jesus in the world.
Chapter Review Jesus parents find him in the Temple, listening and asking questions Jesus announces that he is the promised one described in the Book of Isaiah Jesus’ words are handed down by oral tradition The Church grew as the Apostles and disciples spread the good news Stories of Jesus are written down and become the Gospels.
Chapter Review The seventh day of the week in the Jewish calendar is called the Sabbath. The word gospel means good news. The New Testament is the second part of the Bible; it is about Jesus, his followers and the early Church.
Chapter Review The Images of the Church are: The Church is Assembly The Church as a Sacrament The Church is the Body of Christ