Who is Jesus? Why did Jesus die? How Can I Be Sure of my Faith? Why and How Should I Read the Bible? Why and How Do I Pray? How Does God Guide Us?


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Presentation transcript:

Who is Jesus? Why did Jesus die? How Can I Be Sure of my Faith? Why and How Should I Read the Bible? Why and How Do I Pray? How Does God Guide Us?

What does the Holy Spirit Do? The “AwayDay” Who is the Holy Spirit? What does the Holy Spirit Do? How Can I Be Filled With the Spirit? How Can I Make the Most of My Life? How Can I Resist Evil? Why & How Should We Tell Others? Does God Heal Today?

What about the Church?

they would be a great deal more comfortable!” What about the Church? “If all the people who fell asleep in church on Sunday morning were laid out end to end … they would be a great deal more comfortable!” Abraham Lincoln hard pews … unsingable tunes … enforced silence … excruciating boredom?

What is “church”? a profession? an institution? architecture? What about the Church? a profession? an institution? architecture?

The people of God the church is made up of people What about the Church? the church is made up of people baptism - a sign of belonging “ekklesia” (Greek word for church) means assembly, gathering Banbury Baptist Church Centre all those worldwide and down the ages who profess or have professed the name of Christ

The people of God 1,700,000,000 adherents 254 countries What about the Church? 1,700,000,000 adherents 254 countries 32.9% of world population in some countries, 80% of population in some places, persecuted and “underground” in the West, numerical decline

Celebration - at New Wine special - inspiring - vision The people of God What about the Church? Different “dimensions” … Celebration - at New Wine special - inspiring - vision

The people of God Different “dimensions” … What about the Church? Different “dimensions” … Congregation - at the Church Centre local - know most people - acceptance

“Cell” - small group closest friendships - intimacy - accountability The people of God What about the Church? Different “dimensions” … “Cell” - small group closest friendships - intimacy - accountability

The family of God What about the Church? all who receive Jesus become children of God … John 1 12 … so we belong to one another the relationship cannot be “undone” even when there are differences! Jesus prayed “that they may be one” John 17 11 Paul says “make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit” Ephesians 4 3

“One Church … many congregations” The family of God What about the Church? “On necessary matters, unity; on questionable matters, liberty; in everything, love” Rupertus Meldenius, 1582 - 1651 “One Church … many congregations” Banbury Christians Together

The family of God What about the Church? “When you travel by air and the plane lifts off the ground, the walls and hedges which may seem large and impressive at ground level, at once lose their significance … seated with Christ in the heavenly places, the differences between Christians can often seem petty and marginal” David Watson

“The New Testament knows nothing of solitary religion” The family of God What about the Church? “koinonia” - sharing, having in common “The New Testament knows nothing of solitary religion” John Wesley “At home in my house there is no warmth or vigour in one, but in the church where the multitude is gathered together, a fire in kindled in my heart and it breaks its way through” Martin Luther

The body of Christ “Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me?” Acts 9 4 What about the Church? “Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me?” Acts 9 4 picture of the church as the body of Christ in 1 Corinthians many parts, different gifts, different working all have something to give all need each other

The body of Christ What about the Church? John Wimber

A Holy Temple What about the Church? the only church building the New Testament speaks of is made up of people Ephesians 2 22 … and Jesus is the “cornerstone” Ephesians 2 20 all Christians are “priests” and have “access” to God sacrificing priests are no longer needed - we remember one final sacrifice

“Do this remembering me” A Holy Temple What about the Church? looking back with thanks looking forward with anticipation looking around at family looking up in expectation “Do this remembering me”

The Bride of Christ What about the Church? Paul uses the analogy of husband and wife to describe the relationship between the church and Christ Ephesians 5 25-27 this speaks of intimate union and mutual love the church is becoming what it shall be! the picture continues in Revelation Revelation 21 12